Absolutism in Europe

  • Aug 24, 1572

    The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day

    The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day
    Protestnts had white linen placed on their arm and a cross on their hat so the Catholics would know who to target. Labonne gets killed with a dagger and the citizens run to hide in the chamber.
  • Aug 24, 1572

    THe Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day

    THe Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day
    The conspirators broke through chamber door where everybody was hiding. The Chevalier d'Angouleme cut off Coligny's head, sent it to Rome, mutilated him, and dragged his body through the streets to the banks of Seine.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    Henry IV converted from a Protestant to Caatholicism to become king. The Edict of Nantes granted religous rights to French Protestants, marked the end of France's Wars of Religion, and gave Protestants the right to a free public worship.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    Huguenots were permitted to inherit property, engage in trade, attend all schools, and be treated in all hospitals. Protestantism weakened in France which led to mass emigration of huguenots to England and other countries.
  • The Thirty Years' War

    The Thirty Years' War
    (1618-1648) The first war was between the Catholics and the Protestatns and Sweden, France, Spain,and Denmark entered the war which made it mroe political. All major European powers except England halped in the destruction of Germany. The Peace of Westphalia ended the war, gave Sweden, France, and their allies new territories, and divided over 300 states in the Holy Roman Empire to indpendent states.
  • Louis IV attacks Huguenots

    Louis IV attacks Huguenots
    In 1627, Louis XIII decided that the Huguenots should be suppressed. He claimed that although they Huguenots demanded freedom of conscience, they did not allow Catholics to worship in their cities, which to him was political disobedience. In 1628, Louis’ forces attacked the Huguenot city of New Rochelle, and destroyed the cities walls.
  • Peace of Münster is signed, ending the "30 Years War"

    Peace of Münster is signed, ending the "30 Years War"
    The Peace of Münster was signed on May, 15th 1648. This document offically ended the "30 Years War" that raged throughout Europe for most of the First half of the 17th century.
  • Thomas Hobbes publishes "Leviathan"

    Thomas Hobbes publishes "Leviathan"
    Thomas Hobbes, In 1651 published the political work, Leviathan to deal with the problem of social disorder stated that for people to save themselves, they made a pact with the government to be ruled by one absolute leader with unlimited power in order to suppress rebellion and preserve order. His works are evern found in the United States Constitution.
  • Lous XIV takes power in France

    Lous XIV takes power in France
    Louis XIV became the King of France in 1654 andinstantly became known as an absolute ruler. To keep control over France, he established Versaillies, which served as the Royal Palce, and the policy-making machinery of the government. This was how he was able to keep control over the government. Also, he perused an anti-protestant policy and converted all the Huguenots to Catholicism in France.
  • Peter the Great becomaes the Czar of Russia

    Peter the Great becomaes the Czar of Russia
    Petr the Great became the Czar of Russa in 1682. "Czar", which is russian for "Cezear". 12. Peter the great was an absolute monarch who claimed the divine right to rule. To enforce his power, he built an army of over 110,000 men, to futher aid in his goal of opening up Russia to the West.
  • Austria Expands its Empire

    Austria Expands its Empire
    After the defeat of the Turks at Vienna in 1683, Austria took control of all of Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia, and Slavonia. By the beginning of the eighteenth century, the Austrian Hapsburgs had gained a sizable new empire.
  • John Locke publishes "Two Treatises of Govenment"

    John Locke publishes "Two Treatises of Govenment"
    John Locke, in his writing Two Treatises of Government published in 1690, argued against the absolute power of one person. His views qreatly questioned absolutism in society.
  • King Frederic I becomes King

    King Frederic I becomes King
    King Frederic I became the Kingof Prussia after his father built Prussia from the ground up. After building the 4th largest army at the time, and creating a strong Absolutist Governmnet.
  • St. Petersburg is Established

    St. Petersburg is Established
    Based off of the ideas of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg Russia was founded in 1703. The purpose of St. Petersburg was to open the gates to the west. St. Petersburg had large ports for trade and for the Navy, and was the political and culteral center for Russia.It was the capital of Russia until 1918 when WWI ended
  • Louis XIV Passes Away

    Louis XIV Passes Away
    Louis XIV died at the age of 76 in the royal palace on September 1st, 1715. On his deathbed, he told his sucessor, which was his great-grandson, to live a life of peace with other nations, and to not imitate him in any way, an to try to revive all of the harm that he brought to Europe.