About me

  • Birth

    I was born on February 1, 2007, in Pontiac Michigan. I was my mom's middle child
  • Moved

    I was 5 years old when I moved from Pontiac to Canton Michigan. I moved so I could have a better life.
  • Moved Schools

    Moved Schools
    I went to Van Buren schools but I changed to Plymouth Canton schools to get a better education. It was a weird adjustment but I handled it
  • vacation

    I went to Orlando Florida for a vacation. IT was nice to get away from home.
  • aunts baby

    My aunt had a baby and it was a girl. Her name is Sydney and she is 5 years old.
  • Great aunts death

    My aunt died and it was sad. She was very loving and sweet FLY HIGH.
  • Graduated elementary school

    I graduated from elementary school and went to middle school. It was cool at first but now it isn’t.
  • Sister moved out

    Sister moved out
    It was a hard time in 2018 especially when my sister moved out and I had no one to talk to.
  • Baby Sis

    Baby Sis
    This is my mom's third child. My sister's name is Daliyah. She is a bad one but I love her!
  • COVID-19

    This wasn’t good. I didn’t even think much of it until people started dying
  • Quarantined

    This was not good either. I couldn’t really do anything. I was just bored in the house all day.
  • Became Instagram Influencer

    I started my journey as an influencer. It was the best thing I could have done!! I have so much more to come.
  • Last year of middle school

    Last year of middle school
    My last year of middle school was supposed to be fun but it isn’t. I was supposed to see my friends one last time before we split but nope thanks to COVID-19
  • Dad has lupus

    I never really knew my dad but from what I hear he is a good father. It is sad that he is dying.