About me

  • I was Born (0 - 12 monts)

    I was Born (0 - 12 monts)
    -February,11,1999 My mother (Iris B). Gave birth to me (Anthony J. Cruz Santiago). I was born with chronical asthma and they had to put me in incubator to give me breathing treatment. My Father (Antonio L. Cruz Frontera) have to search for a specialist. At the age of four month my mother abandon me with my father and Grandparents. I was just getting worst and worst, at one time all of my family think that I will not make it. Every single Doctor that check up on my wasn't able to cure the Asthma.
  • The Cure (1 year- 2 year old)

    -The first year of my life was running in Doctor to Doctor. My family was just accepting that soon I was going to die. I was barley breathing whit the help of a machine. And the treatment that supposed to cure me, they barley do something. At the age of 1 /3, my family and I visit a clinic, I don't remember the name or place but what my family told to me that him in just 5 minute give me a medicine that my family have to be every six hours no matter what.
  • Few memories (4-5 Years old)

    My first bicycle that my father buy to was dark navy blue. I remember that was new year. I go to visit my father (because I always have live whit my grandparents), soo my father try to show me yo run bicycle whit out the training wheels and my father have this really old car (Lincon 4 doors) and I scrape the paint from the front bumper to the back bumper. The next day when my father see his car, give a straight look to me eyes and I start crying. After that he came to me and hug me.
  • My first day at Knider garden (5-6 years old)

    That first day at school was epic. Just for the fact that I hide under the desk of the teacher and no body could find me. Everybody was just freaking out, so After 30 minutes I got bored and I get out and my father was really pissed off because of that. Now you can image how bad I was in does first years of school and elementary school. But my family never find out about it. I also remember the first time that I have bad grade, my father grounded for a entire week with out going out.
  • Worst day of me life (9-10 years old)

    I woke up at 6 a.m. I remember every thing soy bright, it was May. My dad supposed to pick up and spend some time together, the usual, Just like we use to do every single week of the year. My father use to work in different part of Puerto Rico. And one of the jobs used at dawn or early morning. At 4:27 my father crash in to a pick up truck that kill him in the act. Two days later me uncle (Hector) came never lave mi alone. People says since that that they me and my family aren't the same.
  • Nothing has change in does years (10-18 years old)7

    Nothing has change in does years (10-18 years old)7
    Since my dad die, nothing really changed, People come and go in my life, problems that I always have to deal alone, I was force to get a job and make me on money, But I never give up, never change what I am, or even what I have to go through. All those tings make me what I am. I take bad and good decision before. But glad that I'm I steel have my grandparents, Me uncle And every one that help me when I need it. And the most Important, Now I Know to Appreciated what my dad did for me.