a techie since ten...

  • died of snakebite playing "oregon trail" in my homeroom class.

    died of snakebite playing "oregon trail" in my homeroom class.
  • got my very first macbook as part of the maine laptop initiative.

    got my very first macbook as part of the maine laptop initiative.
    article about my middle school and the laptop initiative in maine i was 12! and i was quoted in this article!
  • got my first camera (32mm) for a photography class i took in high school.

    got my first camera (32mm) for a photography class i took in high school.
  • got my first cell-phone

    got my first cell-phone
    it was a virgin mobile prepaid phone. NO texting. limited calling. basically just a tracking divice provided by my parents...
  • my sister helped me create my first ever social networking account. facebook: like.

    my sister helped me create my first ever social networking account. facebook: like.
    this was my very first profile picture...very...mystical? haha ridiculous.
  • got a verizon wireless flip phone

    got a verizon wireless flip phone
  • got my first DIGITAL camera as a graduation present

    got my first DIGITAL camera as a graduation present
    this is the same camera that i took with me on my mission! very reliable.
  • bought my macbook.

    bought my macbook.
    it's the same one i use today! macs for life!
  • wrote my first blog post using blogger.com

    wrote my first blog post using blogger.com
  • was "banned" from using technology other than weekly emailing and skyping twice a year

    was "banned" from using technology other than weekly emailing and skyping twice a year
    i was an lds missionary... we shared a phone, but were not in a "texting" mission. we also didn't have access to missionary facebook accounts.
  • got an iphone :)

    got an iphone :)
    there's no going back...