
  • 7.3 - Intrinsic Motivation

    For having intrinsic motivation, I have had it ever since I was a young adolescent and started puberty. At the same time, I have had already determined to do well in school and also want to learn more about mathematics. As soon as I have developed my interests in mathematics and also in teaching, I have decided that I want to be a mathematics teacher and that decision has been the same since I was a young adolescent because I was inspired by my father and grandfather to achieve the goal.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    I think this date is appropriate for me to enter my adolescence because I had too many things that threw at my face such as biological changes and being instability than I was a young child. Making me an adolescent, I felt that the responsibilities and making decisions is slightly heavy placed on me because I would learn the hard lessons when I would make any mistake decision or choice in the future.
  • 3.1-Imaginary Audience

    When my family and I went to a local family-owned restaurant, the hostess led us to a booth, where we will eat our lunch. Once we sat down on benches near a table, I started noticing that people looked at me, which made me think that they may never see a deaf customer or something, because I was signing with my parents. Because it is good example of imaginary audience, I was an actor and they may enjoy watching me signing. I used formal operation to analyze about me also know how to approach it.
  • 6.2 - Companionship

    I have some really good friends that willinhgly accepted who I am and also willingly spend times to hang out with me. They also had invite me to join them and do something fun such as going out, get-together party, or something that made me part of their group of friends. From my experience, it does match to the book that had said because it took them effort to ecourage to get involved in that particular group.
  • 6.1 Parent-Adolescent Conflict

    At the age of 15, I started questioning myself and parents' rules because there were some rules that I really, really disagree with them. In the resut of that, I got myself and my parents in arguments, like why do you guys put me on so many restrictions such as limited Screen Time and had curfew or whatever. That was when I became more locial reasoning and ideal thought. This consequences were expected for my parents to happen because they had similar experiences when they were adolescents.
  • 2.1 Late Maturer

    I was later maturer because I did not have unstable emotions or anything what the book mentions about puberty before the year 2005. I was focusing on creating my future and explore the options to achieve in academic and career developments but the same time, I experienced being pressured by the peers. If I was experienced as early maturer, I would have growth spurt earlier or looking at myself physically such as excering more to make myself look good than I did as late maturer.
  • 3.2- Abstraction & Idealism

    When I was about 15 years old, I began analyzing myself who I am or what to do with life abstractly because at first, I just do not know what I am or what is my purpose of life. For Idealism, I have already known that I am nice but firm person.
  • 2.2 Niche-Picking

    While I was young, I had chosen active genotype-environment correlation, which was mathematical environment, because I want to do something that I am interested in. The choice that I had make for myself is to know how to think abstractly and mathematically because it is not everyone's favorite academic subject. Every time, I always enjoyed when I came up with a mathematical problem and also to solve it. Focusing math, it helps me to develop my understanding in math.
  • 7.1 - Transition to High School

    Transitioning to High School was one of few positive and negative experiences. For positive experience, I could explore any options that has been provided in the front of me such as which services or resources I need to use during my school year as a high school students. For negative experience, it got stressful because of overload of homework and assigned projects. In that period of time, I had not developed my time management skills until later when I became senior in high school.
  • 3.2- Social Comparison

    Even though I thought that I am nice but firm person, I compared between myself and another person who was very confident and popular. It made me feel that I am all alone and don not have enough of confidence in myself. I feel like that I analzyed and changed what I am so I could fit in a group.
  • 6.3 - Ego Support

    The reason why I chose ego support because I sometimes received feedbacks and encouraged to do something that make me feel worthwhile. For example, a friend of mine had encouraged me not to be afraid to meet new people, make new friends, and also to find a similar interesting between me and the others. Every day, I was so grateful for him to encourage to be aggressive and get involved in any activity that interested me and the others.
  • 8.1 - Rites of Passage

    On 4 of June 2010, I had finally obtained my high school diploma from a local public mainstreamed school in Ohio. Once I obtained my high school diploma, I feel that it is the time that I need to take more responsibilities such as managing my own budget, getting myself job, and doing on my own thing indepdently. I had really good stable transition between adolescence and adulthood because since I had been taught by my parents and learned from mistakes, it is ok if you made a mistake.
  • 7.2 - Transition to College

    Transitioning of College was smoothly transitioned because I had some experience of time management skills and know how to make the right decision to use any resource or service that the university had provided. High School actually helped me to prepare and expected what will happen in college. I have no problem making friends in college because they are more matured persons than persons in high school.
  • 4.1 Gender-typed Behavior

    As I looked back as a young adolescent, I had noticed that the girls were actually enjoying to have a conversation with her friends and/or boyfriend, which in another word for rapport talk, meanwhile the boys prefer to isolate themselves into spending more time alone such as playing video games or spending "me" time like I did and still do. That may be the most common around the United States and also around the world.
  • 4.2 Non-Gender Typed Behavior

    Both girls and boys do have relation aggression. For example, whenever a girl or a boy may be jealous of another relationship that was good, compared to his or her relationship. They only may do want to do anything to destroy or severely damaged their relationship. It had already happen to me and my girlfriend for a few times. When we both started dating, my ex-girlfriend and old friends became furious and jealous of our relationship so she tried to find a way to destroy our relationship.
  • 1.2 Entering Adulthood

    This is date that is appropriate for me because it was already happened last year when I moved out of my parents’ house and went out on my own as an independent person. Emerging adulthood, it was difficult to become an adult because sometimes I did not want to take in a hard way. At this moment, I realized suddenly that I have to live on my own one day because I have more responsibilities and need to do financial management for myself. I do believe that it does match to the book.