Goddess heart painting

The epiphanies of my life

  • Period: to

    Self Realization and Awareness

    It is during this time that I first came into consciousness and began to realize that I existed and was able to relect on this awareness.
  • Everything Dies

    Everything Dies
    It is at this point in my life I first learned of death. This was not easy to understand but it became clear that it was out of my control and needed to be accepted.
  • Sarcasm

    On this day my teacher said "Well then good for you". There was something in her voice that told me she really meant the opposite of what she said. It occured to me for the first time that the interpretation of what someone says isnt always easy. I learned that how someone says something is sometimes more important than what they say.
  • Period: to

    Process of Understanding Truth

    This is the period of my life that I began to understand the truth of life.
  • Magic Doesnt Exist

    Magic Doesnt Exist
    I was in the grocery store with my mother on St. Patrick’s Day when I told my mother that some of my friends said Santa wasn’t real. She confessed that Santa was make- believe along with the Easter Bunny, leprechauns, the tooth fairy, unicorns and Fairies. At this moment I first questioned the existence of God and Jesus.
  • People are Capable of Horrible Things

    People are Capable of Horrible Things
    The idea of muder and evil had never really entered my mind until I learned about the Holocaust.
  • Reading The Book Sidhartha By Herman Heese

    Reading The Book Sidhartha By Herman Heese
    I found this book in my school libary and read it in one day. This book changed my entire perspective on spirituality and the purpose of life. In this book experience is said to be the best way to understand reality and enlightment. Hesse’s crafting of Siddhartha’s journey shows that understanding is attained not through scholastic, mind-dependent methods, nor through immersing oneself in the carnal pleasures of the world.
  • Reading The Picture of Dorian Gray

    Reading The Picture of Dorian Gray
    After reading this book I learned that I wanted to be an artist who created beautiful things. I wanted to be art and began to see beauty and inspiration everywhere.
  • Earth Day Special

    Earth Day Special
    It was on this date that I first saw a major television special that announced that our world was in danger do to our lazy mistreatment of it. I started to recycle and became an active environmentalist. This was an extremely unusual night because the entire planet saw the equinox. I felt a part of something bigger than myself for the first time.
  • Ani Difranco Opens my Mind

    Ani Difranco Opens my Mind
    It is on this day for my birthday I got an Ani Difranco CD. Ani Difranco is a brilliant folk singer and poet who has been a part of my life since I first heard her. She inspired me to be a stronger individual and to be an activist!
  • Period: to

    Happy Just Learning

    This timespan is full of countless epiphanies all thanks to college.
  • The Moment I Became a Vegetarian

    The Moment I Became a Vegetarian
    I didnt even know that someone could really be a vegetarian. My friend told me to watch this video called “Meet Your Meats” and I hardly got through the video before I began to cry. I realized that the animals I was eating valued their lives, had feelings, felt pain and were being tortured for our pleasure. This was the last day I ate meat!
  • I Realized I Love School

    I Realized I Love School
    I realized that this was the time of my life. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to stay in this time forever. It was around this day at the beginning of yet another semester of college that I began to write a paper that would combine all the knowledge I had acquired in college.
  • My Lifes Purpose

    My Lifes Purpose
    I realized while talking to my mother that I should be a teacher. I had previously decided to go off to the Peace Corp. because I knew that I need to live a life of service. It wasn’t till this conversation that I knew Elementary Education was my life’s purpose.