
Boone's life experience

By boone
  • My birth date

    My birth date
    On this day in March I came into this world to begin my life.
  • A sister arrives

    A sister arrives
    My sister was born and I got the privalage of naming her Morgan.
  • School begins

    School begins
    My first day of school when the Blue Brothers were cool.
  • Started driving

    Started driving
    I turned 16 and started driving my camaro...I was so cool.
  • Graduation

    I graduated high school with my advanced diploma. My GPA was 3.46 in advanced and honors classes.
  • College

    My freshman year of college involved little studying.
  • Joined the Navy

    Joined the Navy
    I needed a break from school so I joined the Navy for five years.
  • We are having a baby

    We are having a baby
    I found out that I was going to be a daddy. I had mixed emotions but the excitement of starting a family was over powering.
  • Start of our family

    Start of our family
    My daughter was born and it was the best moment of my life.
  • I got married

    I got married
    I married the love of my life in Gatlinburg, TN. It was a great, private wedding and she was beautiful.