Alec Glover's / Personal Timeline

By aglover
  • The birth of Alec Glover

    The birth of Alec Glover
    Today Alec Glover was born in Chicago Ilonois.
  • Period: to

    The life of Alec Glover

  • 9-11

    On September 11, 2001 terrorists took over four planes to smash into buildings. One of the planes was taken control of by the passengers on the plane and smashed into a felid, the other three hit buildings including the twin towers.
  • The creation of facebook

    The creation of facebook
    Facebook was created by a student at Harvard University. This is important to the world because millions of people use facebook.
  • When I met Peter Boos

    When I met Peter Boos
    When I met Peter Boos we became best friends almost like brothers. He was always a year older then me so I learned a lot from him because we were always working together.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast of the United States of America. Destroying many homes and flooding the streets with water
  • When I got my dog

    When I got my dog
    When I got my dog she became my best friend. She's almost like having a sister.
  • When my Gramma got cancer

    When my Gramma got cancer
    When my Gramma got cancer it made me realise that I sometimes take time with her for granted.
  • Earthquake in Hati

    Earthquake in Hati
    The earthquake in Haiti destroyed millions of homes and buildings corrupting the whole nation. The earthquake was 7.0 magnitudes.
  • When I worked on my Uncles farm

    When I worked on my Uncles farm
    During the summer of 2010 I worked on my Uncles farm for one week. Doing this taught me discipline and how to deal with lot's of situations. It also showed me a bit of the real world and how to make money.