
My Life

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born on July 23rd, 1998. I weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long!
  • Madalyn was born

    Madalyn was born
    My little sister was born on May 15th, 2001. I was only 3, so it was hard for me. However, it taught me how to help with others. I was useed to being an only child and I loved it. I had to learn to be more patient and quiet. Now, all of a sudden I have this baby sister in my life who is always crying. I was mommas first and only child and wanted to keep it that way. It was just really hard getting used to the change.
  • Mandy and my dad got married.

    Mandy and my dad got married.
    My dad and step-mom got married March 1st, 2010. It helped me grow because Mandy, my step-mom, was one more parent in my life. She became someone to take care of me, listen when I needed help with a problem, and she understood me. It is great to have someone like Mandy for support, and we also have a lot of fun together.
  • Alex is born

    Alex is born
    My brother was born on February 16th, 2004. It was a big change because I had been the only child at my Dad's house for almost six years. I had to take on more responsibility for myself when I was used to my Dad and stepmom doing almost everything for me. This turned out to be a good thing because it taught me to be more independent. I also gained a little brother who thinks I am awesome and I love him very much.
  • I started 1st grade at Manning

    I started 1st grade at Manning
    I was 6 and I had just moved in with my dad. It was really life changing for me. I was new to the school so I had to make new friends. I missed my old friends. It taught me to not be shy, just to be yourself. By the end of the first week of school I was friends with everyone in my class.
  • I began cheering at Cheer Unlimited

    I began cheering at Cheer Unlimited
    I was 6 years old when I started cheer. So, I was in the first grade. It really changed my life because I didn't really know anyone and I was pretty shy then. I learned many new things, such as, how to work together and have fun while working hard.I made many new friends and also gained self-confidence.
  • My dad went to Afghanistan.

    My dad went to Afghanistan.
    My dad left to work in Afghanistan when I was 8. This was the hardest of all to deal with especially since I am daddy's little girl. I didn't have my dad around to watch football with or just talk to every day. He worked there for two years. I had to help more with my brother. It taught me not to take people for granted. I am so glad I get to see him everyday now.