Katie's Timeline

By 35676
  • Katie's Birth

    I was born.
  • Period: to

    Katie's Timespan (present day Au. 25th)

  • First word

    First word
    My first word was, "Crab." See, I was born and rasied in Vietnam, where people LOVE seafood. And my parents took me to a seafood restuarant and they ordered crab. And so I was like, "Crab!"
  • Elephant

    My earliest memory, was, riding an Elephant. Now, I know it sounds strange, but that's because you're not really native to the Vietnamese culture. It was just a baby Elephant, and I was just five years old. But it felt wierd and cool at the same time. You can see forever up there (or as far as a five-year-old can see, anyway) but if you've ever seen the way an elephant walks, it feels like you're going to be tipped off of it. I feel sorry for the elephant now, they HAVE TO carry people EVERYDAY!
  • Dog

    I taught my dog how to dance the Waltz, he actually stood on his hind legs and I'd dance with him every night after dinner. THe sad part was leaving him to go to America later, and when my maternal grandparents left for America too, the dog was sold to someone (whom I heard was cruel from my cousin).
  • America

    I moved to San Francisco, California, US. The tempurature was freezing cold compared to the tropical climate of Vietnam, so I was shivering like a Chihuahua. Since it was the first time that I'd ever been to a foreign country, I mistook the freeway for railroad tracks and became very baffled when I saw cars driving on them.
  • Hamburger

    The first time I ate a hamburger, it was two days after I visited America, and uncle Dominico, who had sponsered our trip, drove me to McDonald's and then ordered a hamburger for me. The place was booming with business and customers, and I felt like an ant compared to all of the tall Americans. Uncle Dominico then ordered the hamburger for me. But I could only eat half of it considering I'd never eaten a food of such size yet. Uncle got the other half by gulping it down his throat in 5 seconds!
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS
    I got my first Ninetendo DS for my ninth birthday, I've probably owned it for about two years, but ended up snapping off the upper half. The next one I lost, and finally, nothing bad has happened to my Nintendo DSi (yet). I just hope not, otheriwse I'll get scolded by pops again.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    My first day of middle school, I attended Preuss, the ninth best school in America, et cetera. I had was somewhat nervous, so I spent most of the day hoping that my teachers wouldn't be wierdos, freaks, hippies, or just plain mean. But I got lost because I thought it was supposed to be an A day (Green day) but it was a B day (Yellow day) instead, so I got my schedule really mixed up.
  • Canada

    I visited my god parents/aunt and uncle whom live in Canada. I went to Ontario to see Niagra Falls itself. The roar of the water crashing down was great, whenever you were directly IN FRONT OF IT, mist would surround our boat, fresh water would hit our faces, and wind would lash against our rain coats. Later, we ate BBQ on Center Island on the coast of Toronto, and finished the trip with going to Canada WonderLand, a famous amusement park there (kind of like the Canadian Six Flags).
  • Sibling

    Mom's pregnancy is confirmed and I'll have a sibling in 2011. My dad is so happy. (^o^)/ (The following picture is NOT a picture of my baby sister, just...a picture result when searching "ultrasound baby" on Google) I probably WON'T share anything until my sister's like..ten. Because I was raised as an only child and, yeah, never shared a thing.
  • 8th Grade

    8th Grade
    The first day of 8th grade, again, I got lost, I couldn't open my locker until the monday of the second week, and my schedule was extremely confusing because it was so different compared to the seventh grade schedule.