Lauren's Timeline

By wilkelm
  • Date of Birth

    I was born in Laleng Hospital, Virginia. My Dad and Mom were currently stationed on the Air Force base nearby.
  • My First Birthday

    Today was my first birthday, with my first cake and presents, a whole new experience.
  • My First Day of Pre-K

    The day I had started Pre-K, and the one I had attened was the West Asheville Baptist Preschool, where we learned and made friends but also were told stories of the Bible times and religion.
  • First Day of Elementary School

    My first day of elementary school, and I had gone to Meadow Brook Elemetary School, kindergarten. I was a little nervous, but once I made friends and was around them, it was a very fun learning enviroment, and my teacher who was Mrs. Wallmack.
  • Went to Beach

    During this summer of 2006 me and my family went to Cure Beach for vacation where we made many family memories and moments..
  • Learned How to Ride a Bike

    During this summer I learned how to ride my bike for the first time without training wheels and was very proud of myself.
  • Dad gets Deployed to Iraq

    This was the day my Dad had gotten deployed to go help with the war in Iraq for a year.
  • Dad Returns from Iraq

    The day my Dad had come home from Iraq and the first time I had seen him in a year.
  • First Day of Middle School

  • Made Chamber Singers

    I had made Chamber singers this day and felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  • Made Basketball Team

    This was the day when the results had been printed and I had been picked to be on the basketball team.
  • Made SoftballTeam

    I had been chosen on this day to be a part of the softball team, leading to a great year.
  • Period: to

    Williamsburg Trip

  • Period: to

    Trip to Lake Fontana

  • Thirteenth Birthday

    My thirteenth birthday, the day that I was finally a teenager. I had always wanted this day to come and will never forget it.
  • Trip to Hawaii

    During this summer was the trip I took with my mom and my brother to Hawaii. There were lots of scenic veiws and a trip I will never forget!
  • First Day of Eighth Grade

    This was the day I had become an eighth grader, which was a very new experience that was an awesome experience.