
History of Me

  • The World Wildlife Fund

    The World Wildlife Fund
    The Word Wildlife Fund (WWF) was founded on September 11, 1961 in Morges, Switzerland. The organization was founded by Julian Huxley, Max Nicholson, Peter Scott, and Guy Mountfort. The WWF was started as a charitable trust. Interesting Fact: The WWF was founded in Morges, however the base of operations is in Gland, Switzerland
  • My Dad

    My Dad
    On August 14th, 1963 my father was born to Frank and Betty McGlasson. My dad James Neil McGlasson, was soon to be the oldest of two boys. Interesting Fact: When the time came to officially put down my dad's name, my grandpa went to the hospital. Only when he got there, he had misspelled my father's middle name! Which is how he came to be James "Neil" and not James "Neal".
  • My Mother

    My Mother
    On May 22, 1966 my mother was born. Mary Jill Macdonell was the the seventh daughter of James and Carolyn Macdonell. All together (including younger siblings) there were TEN siblings - nine sisters (including her) and one brother. Poor Uncle Jerry!
  • ASU Sun Devils!

    ASU Sun Devils!
    In the summer of '88, my mom moved from Binghamton, New York to good old Arizona, to attend grad school at ASU.
  • New Yorkers Colonize in Arizona

    New Yorkers Colonize in Arizona
    Soon after my mother, my father arrived in Arizona, too. Interesting Fact: When my dad moved, so did his cat Jennifer. He did NOT want to drive all the way out with her, so he sent her out on a plane. However, there had been a mix-up at the airport, and Jennifer was sent to San Jose instead. So she then was taxied to San Francisco, then from there, took another plane to Phoenix, then took a taxi to my aunt's house, and lived in a closet for three months. Poor kitty! She felt like this...
  • A Match Made in Heaven

    A Match Made in Heaven
    On March 28th, 1992, Mary Jill Macdonell and James Neil McGlasson were wed. Interesting Fact: On the morning of the wedding, my parents had another ceremony to attend - the baptism of Cameron Mitchell Blickensdorf (their oldest nephew), of whom they were to become godparents.
  • I Arrive on the Scene

    I Arrive on the Scene
    At 5:38 pm I (Caroline Emma McGlasson) was born to Mary and James McGlasson. Interesting Fact: When I was born, the doctors thought I had a lung problem. Turns out I did not, and was healthy as could be. More Interesting Facts: My Aunt Stefanie spent her 34th birthday in the delivery room saying "PUSH!" to her younger sister (my mother). And soon enough, she had a brand new niece!
  • Go Coyotes!

    Go Coyotes!
    On January 11th, 1999 my mother, Mary McGlasson, started her first full-time teaching job as a economics professor at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. That was the day I officially became a coyote pup.
  • Dotcom Bubble Hits Its Peak

    Dotcom Bubble Hits Its Peak
    The DotcomEra hit its peak (measured by the stock market index). In the months that followed, many dotcoms (start-up internet companies) closed - including DotSafe, where my dad worked. <b>Image source:</b>
    Buzzblog, by Paul McNamara (Monday, 3/8/10). “Time Flies Dept.: Dotcom craze peaked 10 years ago. Wednesday to mark a milestone in the history of irrational exuberance”
  • The Best Birthday Present EVER!

    The Best Birthday Present EVER!
    On my fifth bithday, I was given the best present ever. A baby cousin! Michael Macdonell, the first boy to carry out the Macdonell name. This now meant that my Aunt Stefanie had one niece (me) and one nephew (Mikey) born on her birthday.
  • The First Day

    The First Day
    On my father's 40th birthday, I started all day kindergarden at Sonoma Ranch Elementary (GO STALLIONS!). I had been wanting to go to school since I was old enough to want. Now my dream was finally coming true!
  • Sea Turtle Society Earth Day Carnival

    Sea Turtle Society Earth Day Carnival
    After being inspired by the WWF, a few of my friends and I founded the Sea Turtle Society (STS). We decided to have a carnival in honor of Earth Day, and send the proceeds to the Karen Beasley Rescue and Rehabilitation Center. Interesting Fact: The carnival had been running smoothly, until a pack of sixth grade boys from our elementary school showed up. It resulted in a huge water balloon fight, and the pouring of many water bottles onto each other's heads.
  • My Future

    My Future
    In 2033, I will be a children's author (famous or not). I will have a series called "Shadowz" -- I have already started to write the first book.