Roshani CHY - The French Revolution

  • The King''s Announcement declaring the Estates-General to meet at Versaille

    The King''s Announcement declaring the Estates-General to meet at Versaille
    • This meeting was formally assigned to discuss political concerns regarding France. Consecutivley, King Louis asked the estates to create a list of grievances, which primarily revolved around the ideals of a constitutional government, and human rights and freedoms such as ; freedom of speech, and equality.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court  Oath
    • Representatives from the third estates united with some members from the lower clergy and established themselves as a National Assembly. The National Aseembly's primariy goal was to make France adopt a constitution.This rash act had resulted in the abolishment of the participation of the third estate in the king's meeting halls. As a result, the representatives vowed in a Tennis Court that the National Assembly would continue to meet until their objective was accomplished.
  • Storming of the Bastile

    Storming of the Bastile
    • a mob had invaded Bastille; a Parision prision that symbolized royalty, and brutally killed numerous soldiers. In addition, the city of hall was captured and the mayor of paris was killed. Ironically, this grusome act fought in favour for the National Aseembly , as the despared King had barley any alternatives other than to recognize the National Assembly.
  • Abolishment of Feudalism

    Abolishment of Feudalism
    • French peasants were declared as free persons. They were releived from all their obligations such as labour services and taxes to the church.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    • This declaration was considered a statment of principle and of hope. It encompassed several enlightened principles and values and formed the primary foundation for this revolution.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    • This nationalized and put to sale the Church's land. Clergy was to be paid by the state and rquired to take an oath o floyalty to the new constitution. This provoked tension among priests because it then became a competitive question of whether to be loyal to Rome or to Paris.
  • King Louis XVI Executed

    King Louis XVI Executed
    • King Louis was tried in the National Convetntion and convicted of treason against the French State; thus he was executed.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    • The Reign of Terror was known as a a brutal time period which occured during the onset of the french revoution. Several barbaric executions were conducted by the political opponents known as the Gironde and the Jacobins.
  • Directory Assumed the Role of Governing France

    Directory Assumed the Role of Governing France
    • The Rule of the Directory became the valued constitution of France; after the fall of the Jacobins. It was composed of 5 directors which were chosen by two houses of parliment. The primary objected of this constitution was to solve problems that arised from a single-legislature system.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    • The Napoleonic code is also known as the french civil code; became the basis of law in France and its colonies. Furthermore, it placed women in a subordinate role.