Franz Schubert life

  • My Mother Dies

    My Mother Dies
    My mother died and my father remarried the following year. I grew to love my stepmother Anna and she helped me with money later in my life.
  • I write my first symphony

    I write my first symphony
    I created my first symphony after graduating from Stadtkonvikt, and then I began to teach st my father's school. I also started to recieve private lessons from Antonio Salieri. Anjo Leee
  • "Der Erlkönig" was published

    "Der Erlkönig" was published
    “Der Erlkönig" was published in many German-speaking territories and made me famous outside my hometown. I met a young law student that admired my piece, when he came across “Erlkönig” and it made a large impact on him and he insisted on meeting me. He then went on a trip with him, where he was introduced me to the baritone Johann Michael Vogl, a very successful opera singer who loved his music, a few weeks later they were performing concerts together for Viennese society. photo: Franz St
  • two symphonied

    two symphonied
    I composed two symphonies in 1816 the Tragic and the other one was call No. 5 in B Flat Major
  • music tutor

    music tutor
    1818 during the summer I took a job as music tutor Hungarian daughters whose names were nobleman, Count Esterhazy
  • I was commissioned by two opera houses

    I was commissioned by two opera houses
    In 1820, I compsed to paires of operas. I was commissioned by two opera houses, the Karthnerthor Theatre and the TheatreanderWein
  • "THe Unfinifshed"

    "THe Unfinifshed"
    In 1822 I composed The ‘Unfinished’ Symphony, but it wasn’t complete.
  • I write my String Quartet

    I write my String Quartet
    I wrote my String Quartet in D minor in 1824, I was partly inspired by the words of a poem by Matthias Claudius about death tempting a young woman with his soothing words.
  • I wrote the Impromptus

    I wrote the Impromptus
    A year before my death I wrote the impomptus. I wrote it so it could be played individually or as a cycle. There is eight pieces grouped into 2 cycles. I made the first impromptu unique, and started it with a long, drawn out note and then i developed amelody that united it all that flows up and down in triple movement.
  • Public Concert

    Public Concert
    In the spring of 1828 I gave, for the first and only time in my career, a public concert of my own works, which was very well received by the public. photo: marfis75
  • Period: to

    Franz Schubert