
By bbta524
  • My brother is born

    He was born 6 years before me.
  • When I was born

    Pretty straight-forward...
  • First Halloween

    My 2nd most favorite holiday!
  • First Christmas

    The most important holiday of the year.
  • First time crawling

    I learned how to crawl when I was less than a year old!
  • First birthday

    My very first birthday. I became 1 year old.
  • Said my first words

    I was in the kitchen, and I said " Daa-daa " .
  • Potty trained

    I stopped using diapers, and started using the toilet.
  • First day of Pre-K Day-care

    Before going to Pre-K, I went to a day care for Pre-K'ers.
  • Made first friends

    I made my first friends. It was in the Pre-K Day-Care, and it was in the play kitchen.
  • Learned how to read and write

    I was in first-grade, and I learned how to read and write in that year.
  • Met Liyah

    One of my first ever best friends that I still have right now. It was in 1st grade, and she was sad. So, I cheered her up, and we played together at recess.
  • Met Christine

    Another one of my best friends that I still have. We had met in 2nd grade. She was also sad, and I cheered her up. We played with pencils together during math everyday after that.
  • Met Cheryl and Helen

    The last two of my best friends that I have. We also met somewhere in 2nd grade.
  • Watched my first anime

    It was Inuyasha, and I absolutely fell in love with it. If I had never watched it, my whole personality would've been different.
  • Learned how to multiply and divide

    It was in the 3rd grade, and we did lots of timed worksheets on them.
  • Learned about mechanical pencils

    I noticed that my big brother would always use these pencils not made of wood, so I asked my mom to buy me one. She did, and loved it! I never used the regualar ones after that. To this day, I still use them. My handwriting would be absolutely different if I had used regular pencils instead of them.
  • Got my parakeets

    It was my 10th birthday party, and my uncle rang the doorbell. He gave me a suprise birthday present! It was 2 parakeets, one green, and the other blue. My favorite animal used to be bunnies, but after seeing them, they changed right away. He told me their names were Toby ( green ) and Jennifer ( blue ).
  • Started to learn how to play the viola

    I signed up for orch in 5th grade, because it looked interesting.
  • Went to Barnett

    I had graduated Farrell, and waited 2 months. Junior High would be totally different than Elementary. I was no longer an Elementary student, but a Junior High student. In a few years, I'll be a High School Student!