
By bbta323
  • the day I was born

    this was the begging of my life
  • first pet

    my first pet was a disaster he would bit growl and use the bathroom anywhere
  • first day of Starret Elm.

    today I was going to my first day at elm school, pre-k was really boring
  • first bike

    today I got my very first bike( no training wheels )
  • first skateboard

    I had to do alot of chores to get my skate board and had to give my birthday and christmas money and that was still not enough, so my mom paid for the rest.
  • grduated from elementary school

    this was the best day of my life so far. I was so happy seeing family everywhere to see me graduate.
  • first day of jr. high

    today this was the fist day I went to junior high
  • my twelveth birthday