
By bbta301
  • I was born

    when i was born i was choking on my enbelacal chord and was about to die.
  • sister birthday

    my sister tried to blow the candles n her hair got burned
  • sisters birthday

    she always act like a mom even when she was young
  • sister birthday

    she is a hothead
  • first walk

    i walked over to my dad
  • dads birthday

    my dad got a tv from his boss
  • first birthday

    i was happy because we had a new dog that day
  • started to wear underwear

    yes no more dipers
  • rode a bus for the first time to mexico

    me and my mom went to mexico for my grandma's funeral
  • lost my first tooth

    me and my mom were playin tag inside the house and i fell and lost a tooth hitting my coach. Afterwards i drank milk and two more teeth fell out
  • rode on a airplane for the first time

    me and my mom went to mexico to see my grandpa
  • first day of school

    I was a realy mean kid and will beat up other kids.
  • first bike

    my bike was a blue n silver mongoose
  • learn to ride a bike

    after i got my bike like almost a month later my mom tought me how to ride it
  • got a stallion type horse in our farm

    my mom and dad have a horse in our farm and my dad said its not his its mine!!!!!
  • shot a bull down

    I killed a bull then we choped it and cooked it.
  • got my first gun

    i got a metal bb gun that shoots bullets made out of metal and can put a hole in wood
  • cousin was born

    my cousin natalie was born. Shes an angel
  • first time i killed a possum

    a possum was in my backyard and i had my bb gun so i panicked and killed it
  • graduated from 6th grade(elementary)

    finally i get to go to middle school
  • first football game

    i played for a team called arlington sooners
  • my 13th birthday

    im afficually a teenager