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Mara's Birthday Timeline

By florin
  • My birthday

    I was born in Coral Springs, Florida. My mom and dad were so happy to have me!
  • I am 1 year old!

    I am 1 year old!
    When I was 1 year old I played in the back yard with my toys and my dad next to me. I made a new friend named Shennise that was my age.
  • My 2nd birthday!

    My 2nd birthday!
    I celebrated my birthday with my best friend David.I was mommy's little princess!
  • I am 3 years old now and I am a big girl!!!

    I am 3 years old now and I am a big girl!!!
  • My vacation.

    My vacation.
    This summer I went in Romania to visit my grandparents and cousins. We climbed on mountains that had big rocks. It was so cold up there that I had to wear socks on my hands because we did not have mittens.
  • My 4th birthday.

  • My graduation day

    My graduation day
    On my VPK graduation day I was so excited to sing the songs that we learned.I knew I would miss my VPK teacher and my VPK friends.
  • My 5th birthday.

  • My first day of school.

    My first day of school.
    On my first day of school I was so nervous that i wouldn't make any friends.But Idid make friends. Their names are Eliana and Andrea.
  • My first lost tooth!

    My first lost tooth!
    When I lost my first tooth I was so surprised I couldn't believe my eyes! I was so excited to wake up the next morning to see what the toothfairy had put under my pillow.
  • I am 6 years old!!!

    I am 6 years old!!!
    I am 6 years old. Now I can do new things; I can iceskate, I can rollerblade, I can ride my scooter, and I can read by myself. I am in the first grade now, and I like it!!!