1st quarter timeline

  • 1492

    Discovery of the new world

    Discovery of the new world
    The new world was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Thesis

    95 Thesis
    Martin Luther put a document on the door of the catholic church to accuse them of selling indulgences. This sparked the protestant movement
  • Creation of the Edict of Nantes

    Creation of the Edict of Nantes
    The Edict of Nantes was a document signed by Henry IV to give religious freedoms to the Huguenots in France. It was one of the first European documents to grant religious freedom
  • Period: to

    English civil war

    King Charles I disagreed with parliament. A war broke out between those agreeing with parliament and those agreeing with the king.
    The war was ended with the execution of Charles
  • Revoking the Edict of Nantes

    Revoking the Edict of Nantes
    When revoked the protestants lost all religious liberties they had previously had. This document was revoked by Louis XIV of France and it caused a lot of Huguenots to move to other countries.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The glorious revolution was a battle between parliament and James II of England. IT was a bloodless war that ended with William and Mary taking the throne, and James fleeing.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The American revolution was what caused the formation of the United States. It included the boston tea party and the Declaration of Independence. It was a revolt of the colonists against BRitain.
  • Period: to

    French REvolution

    The revolters had a slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity or death!"
    IT was during the reign of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI who were both beheaded
  • Congress of vienna

    Congress of vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was a gathering of prussia, russia, britain, france, and austria on how to fix the government after the reign pf Napoleon. The decided to return rulership to the families who previously ruled.
  • Japan opens Trade

    Japan opens Trade
    The U.S. Government sent Matthew Perry to Japan. He went and said he would return 1 year later and if trade wasnt open he would attack