
1956: Sudan gains independence

  • the british invade sudan

    British forces invaded and occupied Egypt in 1882 to put down a nationalist revolution hostile to foreign interests and remained there to prevent any further threat to the khedive’s government or the possible intervention of another European power. The consequences of this were far-reaching. A permanent British occupation of Egypt required the inviolability of the Nile waters—without which Egypt could not survive—not from any African state, which did not possess the technical resources to interf
  • islamic state found in sudan

    Sudan is one of seven countries on the US State Department’s list of state
    sponsors of terrorism and since 1989 has been a self-proclaimed Islamic
    republic. After Iran, Sudan is projected as the second most prominent
    supporter of terrorism. As a matter of fact the active role of Sudan as an agent
    of terrorism could be presented as an extension of Iran’s involvement in
    terrorism in Africa.
  • sudan

    1956: Sudan gains independence
  • sudan achieved independence

    Sudan was a collection of small, independent kingdoms and principalities from the beginning of the Christian era until 1820-21, when Egypt conquered and unified the northern portion of the country. However, neither the Egyptian nor the Mahdist state (1883-1898) had any effective control of the southern region outside of a few garrisons. Southern Sudan remained an area of fragmented tribes, subject to frequent attacks by slave raiders
  • nimeiri initiated negotiations with the southern rebels

    Nimeiri then initiated negotiations with the southern rebels and signed an agreement in Addis Ababa in 1972 that granted a measure of autonomy to the south
  • oil finding

    oil finding
    Large findings of oil are made in Bentiu, southern Sudan. The oil becomes an important factor in the strife between North and South.

    China is getting the oil from the south and The UN has not helped Sudan beause china hasnt been using their leadership and they have the ability to veto
  • sudan begins to xport oil

    With foreign help, Sudan begins to export oil. As they begin to gain economic abilities from their rich oil resources, countries like china begin investing in the oil supplies. China would eventually come to invest several billion dolars in Sudan's oil industry, solidifying a strong relationship between the two
  • war in darfur

    war in darfur
    the war began