
  • I was born - Middle Class

    I was born - Middle Class
    I was born into themiddle class.
  • I was born - Status Symbol

    I was born into one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations in the world. This gives them a high status in the world. The flag is a symbol of the united states.
  • Statred preschool- Socialization

    I started preschool and was scoialized with people other than my parents for the frist time. I learned the norms associated with a school setting and the values that went along with it.
  • I started School - 5 Social instutions

    I started School - 5 Social instutions
    I started school an learned how to socalize with people that were not in my family. I learned the norms and behivors associated with an academic enviorment.
  • Columbine - Crime

    Columbine - Crime
    On this day two teenage boys went into Coulubine High School with wepons. They injured several people and several were killed. Their acts of deviance had become criminal.
  • 9/11 - Suicide

    9/11 - Suicide
    On September 11th, 2001 two planes flew into teh world trade center. It was a one way mission, the terriorist never planned on comming back.
  • Piano Recitial - Performance

    I had my first piano recitile and it was a good was to socaliaze in a new setting. It helped me to learn how to deal with stress and various other things that go along with preforming.
  • Moved - Indusrtial

    Moved - Indusrtial
    I moved into a new house in the subarbs. I live in an industrial society where machines and technology make teh everyday lives of people better.
  • Statred Middle School - Norms

    Almost all kids move on to middle school after they finish high school. It is the standard norm for american children.
  • Got Baptized - Values

    Getting baptized allowed me to show off my values to others around me. I got to tell others that I am a christian and the values that go along with that.
  • Became Worship Leader - Agents of Socialization

    Religion: I became the worship leader of the 1st through 4th grade classroom. This allowed me to socalize with kids younger than me and become comfortable as a teacher.
  • Started high school - Status

    When you start high school you are inevibality given a status. I was given one and so was everyother freshmen that entered through the doors. As freshmen we were at the bottom with the seniors on top.
  • Uncle went to Uganda - Absloute Poverty

    Uncle went to Uganda - Absloute Poverty
    My Uncle went on a missions trip to Uganda. There is saw absloute poverty.
  • Got Drivers Lisence - Self Reliance

    Got Drivers Lisence - Self Reliance
    I got my drivers lisence which made me more self reliant. I can now drive myself around without the aid of my parents. It is one step closer to independace.
  • Vet internship - Working class

    Vet internship - Working class
    It was at my vet internship that I learned the norms of teh working class. I wasn'r paid but I workewd very hard.
  • Deviance Project - Deviance

    For my sociology class I had to do an deviance project. For my project I dressed up in spongebob pj's and I went to church, target and my house. I got some very suprised looks.
  • I got my dog - Personality

    I got my dog - Personality
    I got a dog which is essential to my personality because I love animals and always have.
  • Dad's job - Factor affecting social inequality

    Income: My dad works for an oil company and has a good job. Jobs like this helps to widen the gap between the poor and the rich.
  • Graduation - hardwork and material sucess

    Graduation - hardwork and material sucess
    I will graduate due to all of my hard work over the years. This is also a step towards material sucess.