1500's Captions journal

By Josh M.
  • Nov 22, 1515

    The start of a voyage

    The start of a voyage
    I, am caption vaselei. I am making a trade form Spain into the Gulf of Guinea. My crew is simply men who have nothibing better to do and drop outs. We've loaded up the ship and sittuated aragments for sleeping areas and will be leaving at 0400 hours sharp and will be writting as much as I can
    Sincearly Vaselei.
  • Nov 28, 1515

    Life at sea

    We hit a cold front just cold tematures with some wind luckly helping us sail faster to are fisrt destination. In a one word my crew is well the food is keeping edable due to the cold front which is nice. Some crerw like this 18 year old didnt really know what he was in for and got sea sick. We should be at our first trade by the 30th of Novmber
  • Nov 30, 1515

    Falling behind are time line

    We hit a strom this morning and had us dead in the water 2 men were tooken by the waves and I had replacements come in for them. Hopefully we can get to the first port tomarow.
  • Dec 1, 1515

    1st port stop

    1st port stop
    We arrived at Fort James in Africa in offer to trade some local spices with the natives. From first impressions the peaple were very nice they traded us some left over crops from the harvest they aqhd for 7 lbs of our spices of pepreka and salt and peper. They offred us a place to ssleep and we acepted it with great thanks we will hit the sea early next moring and try to make up time
  • Dec 2, 1515

    Diner was, something

    When the crew chef was calling us for super I notice that some of the food wasnt looking so good. Some men were complaing about the food how it was unedable but I made them eat it anyways. Next stop im going to try to get some rice or non pershable food.
  • Dec 3, 1515

    The end ones journay

    There was a reluctant sailor we will say. He instructed to clean the cannons just in case in which he denied of doing so. So the manager talked to him and then spoke to me. I went down said, son you have one answer if the answer isnt what I want to hear then insted of a cannnon ball coming out of the cannon it would be you. As the intro stated he was a good test for the cannon
  • Dec 3, 1515

    Weather is diffrent down here

    As we close in on are next stop peaple were talking about back in home they be all covered up in clothes but so far down its still shocking warm down here. I told my crew just wait till we get back home and you'll wish you lived here insted its always like this.
  • Dec 4, 1515

    Brance Island

    Brance Island
    We arrived at Brance Island around 7am unlike Fort Jmaes we got some stairs but peaple were freindly. We traded some specail clothing materials for 10 pounds of white rice and native fruits
  • Dec 6, 1515


    Nothing really didnt happen till now because we have arrived in Dixcove. We offred multiple diffrent trade offers and they just flat out rejected us they just didnt need what we had but they did give us a newcomers feast and gave us a place to sleep.
  • Dec 7, 1515

    On to the third port

    Were on the way to Bonnoy for trade we asked about them to the locvals and they say there not very nice with traders. Well hope for best right. The food is running low and starting to go bad. Men are starting to complain and not looking so good.

  • Dec 9, 1515

    3 port stop Bonny

    3 port stop Bonny
    We arrived at the port it was the first time I ordered this but i had my crew to have there wepons waisted. We havnt to ever yet have them out of storage.I started the offer, asked for some food for some spices. He spit on the ground and his men came in front of him. Quckly I got out of there. It will be soon to ever go back.
  • Dec 18, 1515

    Launda 4th stop

    Launda 4th stop
    It has tooken us a long while to get here put we did I've been to distracted to right till now. I mean the food now is just anything but edable. Men are starting to food poisoning and im afaird of not making it home. Luckly the locals traded some cloth for pounds of fresh rice so it could last us a bit longer.
  • Dec 19, 1515

    Benguela Last stop

    Benguela Last stop
    We arrived a couple day journany or mabye it was one day im to distracted but from the last stop. They said the rumor 9is the port of Boony has sent a pirate ship to come and hunt us down and steal our cargo. So much for bringing home treasures we ran out of all food and now gave up everything just for as much food as we can to get home. If it will be enough is the qustion. Hope is the answer. Vaseil.
  • Dec 20, 1515

    Coming home but not alone :08:43hrs

    As our fears have came true we spoted the pirates coming for us. I dont know how long we have till they catch up to us but the crew is combat ready stat.
  • Dec 20, 1515

    We are dead sailors now

    The pirates outguned our ship and as now board the ship and I sit here writting they are trying to take down my door. I will not be spared and my crew of who is left from the gun fights. I have lifed one hell of a life but ones end comes at a point dosnt it.
    Sincearly, Vaseil