13 years of morgan snyder

  • The day i was born

    The day i was born
    in 2005, i was born and i had a problem with my heart to the point where i could have died but i got rushed to Pittsburgh children's hospital
  • The day Barack Obama Wins Presidency

    The day Barack Obama Wins Presidency
    Democratic U.S. Senator, Barack Obama became the first black president and changed a 350 year old era of segregation, racism and Jim Crow laws, transcending race as an issue for blacks and whites.
  • My first pet

    My first pet
    in 2010, i got my first pet witch was a fish
  • the day i meant my best friend

    the day i meant my best friend
    the first day i meant my best friend was when my older sister took me to her house because her older sister and my older sister and they introduced me and her to each other.
  • the first day i moved to Erie

    the first day i moved to Erie
    the first day i moved to Erie i was in 1st grade and i was 6 years old.
  • The first time i got my first ever phone

    The first time i got my first ever phone
    i was in 3rd grade and my mom surprised me with a flip phone
  • The day my little sister was born

    The day my little sister was born
    i was at school and my dad came to pick me up and he told me my mom had her baby and we went to the hospital
  • when i found out my brother was having a baby

    when i found out my brother was having a baby
    he called my mom and told her his girlfriend was pregnant
  • the day my neice was born

    the day my neice was born
    she was born at 6 am in the morning and my brother sent me pictures but i didnt get to see her because they were in flordia
  • the day i meant my niece

    the day i meant my niece
    her mom and my brother surprised us and i meant her for the first time