My Life

  • My Birth

  • My Baptism in St. Louis, MO

  • My First Ski Trip to Breckenridge, CO

  • My 4th Birthday

    My mom rented a petting zoo to come to our house!
  • My First Trip to Disney Land

  • My First Dance Recital

  • My First Cheer Squad

  • My First Field Trip at STA to the Pumpkin Patch

  • My First Father Daughter Dance

  • My First Dog, Bruno

  • My First Trip to NYC

  • My First Ever Cell Phone

  • My First Cruise

  • My First Time Being a Junior Chiefs Cheerleader

  • My First Reconciliation

  • My First Time in the Fabulous Las Vegas, NV

  • My First Communion

  • My Dad's Death

  • My Trip to Italy

  • First Time with Eye Contacts

  • First Day of Middle School

  • Took 2nd Place in Volleyball Tournament for STA

  • My 13th Birthday