The French Revolution

  • Deficit spending by the government and economic reform

    King Louis XVI rule was from 1715-1774. He persued pleasure before serious business. He was well-meaning but weak and indecisive. But he did hire a financial expert, Jacques Necker. Jacques urged the king to tax the first class more so than the second class the clergy forced the king to dissmiss him.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • Louis XVI Calls the Estate- General

    the Estate-Generals convented in May 1789. From the begining they were set on voting. Before it was every estate had one vote which meant the first class would rule over the second class. Now they counted "by heads."
  • Parisians Storm the Batille

    More than 800 Parisian soldiers assembled outside of the Batille. The crowd demanded weaons and gunpowder. They believed it was stored there. The commander refused to open the doors but the rebelious mob seized the guards and commander. Prisoners were released but no weapons were found. This was a symbol of France after all the years of absolutism and abuse.
  • The National Assembly Acts

    Proud and wearing delegates at 2 am. announced "Fuedalism is abolished!" In August as the first step to the Constitution, the Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. This esablished that all men have equal rights (liberty, property,security, and resistance to oppression.) Taxes were then lowered. But still women were not treated equally. Olympe de Gouges didn't agree with that. in 1791 she declared that her rights should be the same as mans.
  • The National Aseembly Acts 2

    1791 the Assembly completed the Consitution. This seemed to complete the revolution. In June 1791 the King and other royals tried to escape their embarrassing situation. This attempted failed.
  • Threats From Abroad

    Began 1791-1815. The King of Prussia and Emperor of Austria issued the Declaration of Pilnite. In this document the tw monarchy's threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy. In october Legislative Assembly took office. This caused even more food shortages. In April 1792 war of worlds started between the french revolutionaries and Europes monarchy's.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    August 10 1792 a group of Parisians stormed the royal palace, slaughtering all the King's Guards. Luckily the royal family had fled before the mob had arrived. The citizen attacked prisons over 1,200 people were killed. After this riot the all men citizens were allowed to vote. Soon after Louis XVI was put on trial because he was seen as a traitor of france. He was then executed. Then in October Marie Antoinette was put on trial and convicted to the death sentance.
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre was nicknamed "the incorruptible". He was very dedicated to the Revolution. He promoted many things such as religious tolerance, and wanted to abolish slavery. He believe France could achieve a "republic of virtue". The Reign of Terrr began in September 1793 and would last till July of 1794. About 300,000 were arrested. 17,000 were executed. The guillotine was a symbol of terror. After all this deaths Robespierre declared he was arrested. The very next day he was executed.