My life (Nick)

By nickbab
  • My birth

    My birth
    The day i was born.
  • Period: to

    My life

  • Meeting Branson

    Meeting Branson
    The day I met Branson. One of my best friends that I still know today.
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    My first day of school. This is when i met some of my first friends that i still have today.
  • Learned how to read

    Learned how to read
    The day I learned how to read. I thought that it was very hard back then.
  • The birth of my little brother

    The birth of my little brother
    My life got flipped upside down the day ethan was born.
  • Abby Dieing

    Abby Dieing
    My Favorite dog abby got hit by a car when I was 7. This Dog was my best friend a boy could have and i didnt get over it for a few months
  • The day my grandma died.

    The day my grandma died.
    My grandma was very important to me. I used to always go to her house and she would have fresh cookies waiting for me.
  • Parents Divorce

    Parents Divorce
    The day my parents got devoirced - it was tough on me and my little brother.
  • Moved in with my cousins

    Moved in with my cousins
    The day me and my mom moved in with her sister - this is important be cause it help me strengthen my religon.
  • Dad's Surgery

    Dad's Surgery
    The day my dad had surgury making him very weak and caused my fear of him dying of cancer.
  • My mom's work getting burnt down.

    My mom's work getting burnt down.
    When my moms work burnt down she wasnt being paid for about a week and at the same time my dad was in the hospital so we had to cut back on breakfast and have a small supper.
  • Moved back in with my dad

    Moved back in with my dad
    After my dad's surgery we had to move back in with him to take care of him. We still live here today.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    My first cell phone. This helped me comunicate with friends and family.
  • Cousin moved in.

    Cousin moved in.
    Due to "family issues" one of my cousins had to move in with us. it wasnt really bad I had alot of fun and he helped me out in school work.
  • The day my dad quit his job.

    Me and my family had to cut back on alot of things. it was a very different lifestyle once we only had one employed parent.
  • Cousin Moving Here

    Cousin Moving Here
    The day my cousin moved form Virginia to Winterville, North Carolina. This is one of my favorite cousins and she moved after she got married a year ago.
  • First day of High School

    First day of High School
    This day is important because it helped me have more time to hang out with my cousin who helps me deal with some of my problems.
  • The day my dad started his own business

    The day my dad started his own business
    Once my dad begun his new business we could go back to our old lifestyle and back to normal.
  • My Permit

    My Permit
    The day i got my permit. Helping to open the doors to starting my life.
  • My Own Car

    My Own Car
    The day my dad gave me his old Z71 truck.