The Highlights of My Life so far.. (18)

  • My Birth

    I was born on June 8th, 1998. As I am not much to say; other than being the third born child and being an native american boy. My name is Ervin Lee Nockideneh .For I am still making my story, and hoping to evaluate myself to be a better person and see to being a good example. To idolize the overachieving leaders and I'm still learning will in the process.
  • My Sister's Birth

    As being the fourth child. Being named Rochelle Nockideneh. I don't remember much of what happens in the time of my younger sisters birth. Other than that, the only fun fact from her birth is that we're a day and two years apart from each other. In the sense of being technically identical on celebrating our birthday. We in some cases see eye to eye, but when not we tend to have a everlasting dispute on the matter. I am glad that she keeps the naive characteristic attitude alive.
  • My Little Sister's Birth

    As being the last and fifth child added into our family. Her name is Nakeisha Nockideneh. The time of her birth was a late present gift sort of speak. I vaguely remember waiting in the waiting room for her birth. At the time I wasn't well acknowledge about the arrival of my little sister. I am however, grateful that she tends to expel and continue to be an overachiever; as I do myself.
  • Moved Away to St. George, Utah

    My Mother moved me, my sisters, and older brother. To St. George, Utah. and I felt like an outsider during attending the Washington Elementary School. In the long run I liked the weather, it was always sunny. I was keen to meeting new people and making as much friends as possible.
  • Moved Back Page, Arizona

    My Mother had decided to move us back to my home town; Page, AZ. I was a bit happy, but most of the days, I could recall it being boring. As I was only limited to having to play with my sisters. For the neighbors, the kids were rude and mean.
  • Moved to Mesa, Arizona

    As living in my home town. I was very ambitious to moving to the city. For I was strictly trying to reshape my image and try to fit in as best as possible. While coming down, it like forever. I enjoyed the bright, warmth, breeze of the Mesa area.
  • Met my bestfriend

    I was inconveniently taking out the trash. When my soon to be best friend invited me to play along with him at Basketball. I was new to the neighborhood, and ever since. I am glad to have taken out the trash on this day.
  • My First Nephew's Birth

    As being the most absolute goofball in the ball aside from my little niece. While before he was born, I anxious to being an uncle, so I was preparing myself and learning the ways of being a great uncle. He was named Mason Jaden Lee. In a sense of knowing Mason, I see more of myself in him. As he is a well thought out thinker and is keen to his family. As he tries to approach his challenges and is a well paced challenger to anything that may be in his way.
  • My First Niece's Birth

    As being the completion to the goofball family. Being named Aaliyah Mae Nockideneh. She is entirely defined to be a girl that is highly bubbly to the idea of not showing any shyness what so ever. As she is very social and approaches everyone with hopes of making new friends.
  • Period: to

    High School

    Attended Westwood High School. Home of the Warriors. During Freshman year, I had high hopes to being among-st the best student there is. Ever sense, I've been self evaluating and improving on being a great as can be. Aside from that I've really enjoyed the School, wouldn't trade it for anything else.
  • My Second Nephew's Birth

    Named Tomas Kalvin Ringlero