
WHAP Foundations Period Timeline

By annie.t
  • 2.5 Million BCE

    2.5 Million BCE
    2.5 million BCE- The first traces of humans, homo sapeins, emergered in Africa.
  • 1.25 Million BCE

    1.25 Million BCE
    1 million BCE- emergence of Homo Erectus, the human that stood upright and used tools.
    600,000 BCE-human species spread across Asia, Europe, Africa. Also controlled fire.
  • 150,000 BCE

    150,000 BCE
    120,000 BCE- Homo sapiens sapiens emerged and displaced any other human species due to their higher developed brain. These are what we are today.
  • 300,000BCE

    30,000-25,000BCE- People began to travel to America
    15,000-12,000BCE-Humans began to domesticate dogs
  • 10,000BCE

    8500-6500BCE- Domesticaion of sheep, pigs, goats, and cattle, humans no longer had to hunt, they raised the meat and had a steady amount of meat to eat.
    8500-3500BCE- The Neolithic Age, agriculture developmed in the Middle East, which will later spread around the world and change the way human's live.
  • 8,000 BCE

    8,000 BCE
    7000BCE- The first town was established at Jericho.
    5600BCE- Beans were domesticated in the Western Hemisphere, as a source of food and trade.
  • 5,000 BCE

    5,000 BCE
    5000BCE- Began the domestication of corn
    5000-2000BCE- Yanhshao culture in north China
    5000BCE- People began to settle in Japan
    4000-3000BCE- Humans began to develop writing, bronze metal working, wheel, plow, in the Middle East. These tools helped the effciency
    3500-1800BCE- Sumerian civilization, who created the first form of writing, cunieform.
    3100-1087BCE-The development of Egyptian civilization,
    2500-1500BCE- Harappa and Mohenjo-Dojo two Indus River Valley civilizations in Souther Asia.
  • 2,000BCE

    1850BCE- Beginnings of Shang Kindgom in China
    1800BCE- The Babyloinan Empire forms in the Middle East
    1700-1300BCE-Villages arise in Mesoamerica,
    1600BCE- The Indo-Europeans invade India, the Middle East and parts of the Mediterranean
    1600 BCE- Aryan invasions of India begin
    1500-1000 Vedic age, when the Vedas was composed.
    1250BCE- When Moses and Jews were banned from Egypt
    1700BCE- IndoEuropean invasions of Greek peninsula
    1400 Kingdom of Mycenae, Trojan War against the city of Troy.
  • 1,200BCE

    c1000- Polynesians reach Fiji Samoa.
    1000BCE-Kingdom of Kush is established.
    1200-720BCE Vedas composed as the major scripture of Hinduism.
    1500-5000 Polynesian migrations.
    1122-770 Intital Zhou kingdom, evenutally led to polictal confict and social turmoil.
    1029-258BCE- Zhou dynasty, introduced one commonly used language.
    1000-600BCE Epic Age, Mahabharata, Ramayana, and Upanishads composed
    700-550 Era of unrivaled brahman dominace
    551-478 Life of Confucius, a chinese philospher
  • 1,200 BCE (cont)

    1,200 BCE (cont)
    800-600BCE- With the rise of city-states in Greece, Athens and Sparta became the domintant two.
    c700BCE- Epics the Illiad and Odyssey written by Homer, also surrplus of Greek architecture
    550BCE- Cyrus the Great forms Persian Empire, most advanced empire during that time.
    509BCE-Beginnings of Roman Republic, formed the idea of a senate, a panel of magistrates, and several popular assemblies.
    800-400BCE- Spread of the Olmec civilization, cultivation of maize, potatoes, domestication of turkeys.
  • 1,200BCE (cont.)

    1,200BCE (cont.)
    1000BCE- Germans expand southward
    850-250BCE- Chavin culutre in the Andes mountains.
    800BCE- Rise of Greek city-states, which caused a rapid rise of civilizaition.
    800 BCE-1000CE Bantu migration.
    770-403BCE- Later Zhou kingdom, beginning of China's classical period.
    750-600BCE-Kush rules Egypt.
    600BCE- Zoroastrian, a religon based on the good and evil, is found in Iran
    600BCE Legendary rules in Japan.
    c 542- 483BCE- Life span of Buddha, who created Buddhism.
  • 500 BCE

    500 BCE
    c 500BCE- Religons Laozi and Daoism come into China.
    c 500BCE- Editing of the five classics.
    c 450BCE- Development of chinese calendar.
    402-20BCE- Era of warring states, unification of China under the Qin dynasty.
    327-325 Alexander the great invades India, combines the culture with the Hellentistic culture.
    322-298BCE- Chandragupta Maurya rules India, Mauryan Empire.
    269-232BCE- Reign of Ashoka, converting and spread Buddhism.
    c233BCE- Periods of the great Chinese philosophers.
  • 500 BCE (cont.)

    500 BCE (cont.)
    470-430BCE- Athens at its height, Pericles, Phidias, Sophocles, Socrates
    500-449BCE- Greek wars with Persia, Greek victory
    450BCE- Twelve Tables of Law, first code of law
    431- 404BCE- Peloponnesian Wars, Athens vs Sparta for control of Greece,
    338-323BCE- Macedonian Empire,that was mostly established by Alexander the Great, dominated the Hellenistic world.
    300-100BCE- Hellenistic period, the period where Greece influnce was heavy.
  • 500BCE (cont.)

    500BCE (cont.)
    c300BCE- Rise of Axum
    264-146BCE- Punic Wars,between Rome and the Phociencians for Carthage, ending with Roman victory all three times. Which extended Rome into North Africa.
  • 250 BCE

    250 BCE
    221-202BCE- Qin dynasty, included the first emperor,beginnings of construction for the great wall, and a single basic language.
    202BCE-220CE Han dynasty, much polical control, unified China.
    c 200BCE- Ox-drawn plow, horse collar, water mill, these tools improved agriculture.
    141-87BCE- Reign of Han Wu Ti, increased bureaucracy, examinations, and spread Confucianism.
    200BCE-200CE- Period of greatest buddhist influence.
  • 250 BCE (cont.)

    250 BCE (cont.)
    49BCE- Julius Caesar becomes ruler in Rome during Roman Empire,assassinated in 44BCE.
    27BCE- Augustus Caesar (Octavian) seizes power and causes the rise of the Roman Empire
    c4BCE Birth of Jesus, who later finds a major world religon, Chirstanity
  • 250 BCE (cont.)

    250 BCE (cont.)
    313BCE- Constanine converts to Christianity, as an attempt to unify the empire in a new way.
    476BCE- Fall of Rome.
    221 Shi Huangdi proclaimed first emperor of China, founder of Qin dynasty
    202 BCE-9CE- Initial Han dynasty, key technical development of horse collar and water mill.
    133ff- Delcine of Roman republic.
    100BCE- German contact with Rome, slaves migrate into eastern Europe.
  • 1 CE

    1 CE
    c30CE- Crucifixion of Jesus
    63CE- Romans forced independent Jewish states to break apart.
    88CE- Beginning of decline of Han dynasty
    101-106CE-Roman terriorties spread vastly.
    c100CE- Root crops introduced to Southern Africa through trade
    180CE- Death of Marcus Aureliusit marked the beginning of decline of Roman Empire.
    200-500CE-Flourished the Nasca culture in Peru.
    200-700CE- The Mochia civilization flourished in northern Peru.
    220CE- Last Han emperor dies, along side with the emperor itself.
  • 250 CE

    250 CE
    284-305CE-Diocletian rules during the Roman Empire.
    c300CE- Ethiopia adopts Christanity
    300CE- Decline of Meroe civilization near the Nile River.
    300CE- Spread of Buddishism through monstraries.
    312-337CE- Reign of Constantine during the Roman Empire, moves the Rome captial to Constaniople. Also adopts Chirstianity.
    319-540CE- Gupta Empire- the golden classical age of India.
    370-480CE- Nomadic invaders attack western Europe.
    300-900CE- Intermediate Horizon period in Peru, near Andes mountains.
  • 250 CE

    250 CE
    300-1000CE- Polynesians invade Hawaii again.
    400CE- Chinese script imported.
    401ffCE- Many German invasions in Rome.
    c400CE- Growth of Mayan civilization.
    c400CE- Polynesians reach Hawaii
    450CE- Huns begin to invade India, who had a techonologial advance.
    476CE- Rome split into two seperate sides, which caused Rome to collapse.
  • 500 CE

    500 CE
    451CE- First Han invasion
    476CE- Last Roman emperor dies in the west.
    c500CE- Buddhism becomes a major religon in East and Southeast Asia.
    c500CE- Formation of Ghana, later becomes vital for gold and salt trade.
    c600CE- Beginning of Islam, major world religon.
    618CE- Tang dynasty in China, glorious cultural period.
    700CE- Shintoism unified into single national religion in Japan.
  • 500 CE (cont.)

    500 CE (cont.)
    27-565CE Justinian becomes emperor for EasternRome.
    589-618CE- Sui dynasty, ruled by Wen of Sui, reunified Northern nd Southern China.
    600-647CE- Harsha's Empire, empire after the downfall of Gupta.
    700ffCE- Spread of Islam, trans-Sahara trade in Africa.
    800-1300CE- Mississippian culture, a native american culture at the Missississpi River.
    900CE- Polynesians to New Zealand
    900-1200CE- Beginnings of Toltecs, Mesoamerican culture.
    1000 Height of kingdom of Ghana, Africa