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Classical Era

  • 100

    Trade with the Teotihuacans

    During this time, trade increasing within the Teotihuacan empire.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    Classical era part two (CE)

    CLassical era part two
  • Period: 100 to Nov 15, 1000

    CLassical era (BCE)

  • Period: 100 to 206

    Former Han Dynasty 206 BCE to 9 CE

    This era was a time of great social reform, silk trading, paper, and a Confusionist education system. They started with a non centralized government but switched to a centralized government.
  • 200

    Rise of TeotihuacanBCE

    The Teotihuacan rose due to their optimal location and the take over of their neighbors.
  • Period: 200 to Nov 15, 750

    Teotihaucan BCE-CE

    This city=state was a polytheistic society who were promintnent in trading and had unknown writing system.
  • Period: 207 to 221

    Qin Dynasty BCE

    Lead by the First Emperor, the Dynasty was the shortest and came to be after their leader came out on top of the Warring States. They built the most elaborate burial temple with an army of Terra Cotta warriors. The Qin Dynasty also centralized their government.
  • Period: 224 to Nov 15, 651

    Sasinid BCE- CE

    This empire controled the largest land area through a great military before a peaceful period. They fell to Arab warriors from the west.
  • Period: 256 to Nov 21, 1122

    Zhou Dynasty BCE

    This era's rulers ruled with the Mandate of Heaven, and had a decentralized government. They used iron metallurgy to create weapons, and attempted to have a monolopy on iron.
  • 260

    Massacure of the enemies of the Empire bCE

    This was the massacure that caused Ashoka to turn to Buddhism and a life of non violence.
  • 300

    Bloodletting Begins CE

    At this time, bloodletting makes a reappearence from the by the Mayans.
  • 300

    Calendar CE

    The calendar made by the Olmecs makes a reasppearence in the Mayan society.
  • 300

    Isolation Begins CE

    Due to the Andes Mountains, the Mochicans were isolated from all but the other Ande states.
  • 300

    Milataristic till the end? sasanid think not BCE

    the mlitarist ways of the empire stop about 300BCE
  • Period: 300 to Nov 15, 1100

    Mayan Empire CE

    The Mayans were largely influenced by the Olmecs, inheriting the bloodletting, science and maths, writing, and the ball game.
  • Period: 300 to Nov 15, 700

    Mochica Empire CE

    This empire mostly had artists, textile factories, and isolation. Due to this isolation, they were very different from other developing civilizations.
  • 320

    Reunification of the Indian region CE

    The Gupta empire tried to reunify the region that had once been ruled by the Muryan empire.
  • Period: 320 to 550

    Gupta Empire CE

    This empire reunfied the old Mauryan empire. They lasted only a short time after they tried to expand and dissappeared.
  • 321

    Unification of The Mauryan Region BCE

    The first emperor conquered and unified the river valley for the time.
  • 323

    Rise of a big empire from a larger one BCE

    The generals of Alexander split the perisan empire into three and so rose the biggest of them all the sasanid.
  • 330

    fall of the persian empire BCE

    After the fall of persians to alexander others rose.
  • 330

    Extent of the empire BCE

    By the end of the persian empire they controlled many diffrent groups and civilizations.
  • Period: 330 to

    Achaemenid Empire BCE

    Starting in Anatolia, The Achaemenid empire then expanded to India. The only person strong enough to take them down was Alexander the Great.
  • 500

    Expansion of the Aryans BCE

    The increasing population led to the need for new land.
  • Period: 500 to Nov 15, 1000

    Aryans BCE

    The Aryans populated the area between the Himalayas and the Ganges River. By 750 BCE, they had many cities to accomadate their large population and were forced to expand by 500 BCE.
  • Period: 500 to Nov 15, 1500

    Bantu Migration BCE

    The Bantu people occupied most of South Africa by 1000 BCE and significantly helped the spread of agriculture.
  • 550

    The Fall of the Gupta CE

    After the Gupta tried expanding, they entered into a period of decline from which they never recovered.
  • Nov 15, 660

    Fall of the Kush BCE

    The Kingdom of Kush was, at this point, exterminated by the Assyrians.
  • Period: Nov 15, 660 to Nov 15, 760

    Kingdom of Kush

    The Kingdom Of KUsh conquered Thebes around 760 BCE, and in 660, the Kingdom of Kush was conquered by the Assyrians.
  • Nov 15, 700

    The Fall of the Empire CE

    The fall of this empire can mostly likely be attributed to a takeover by another Andean state.
  • Nov 15, 750

    Aryan Cities BCE

    Large populations led to the creation of small cities or large villages.
  • Nov 15, 760

    Conquring Egypt BCE

    At this time, the Kingdom of Kush rose due to the fall of Egypt.
  • Nov 15, 1000

    Agricultural Spread Start BCE

    New crops arose in Africa.
  • Nov 15, 1122

    Mandate of Heaven BCE

    Rulers justified their power by claiming the Mandate of Heaven, and ruled through their god.
  • Iron Metallurgy in Africa BCE

    The use of iron metallurgy in Africa grew at this time.
  • Major Projects of the Qin Dynasty BCE

    The immense making of the Terra Cotta statues. They also made the great after death temple for their emperor.
  • Iron Metallurgy BCE Zhou

    The Zhou began using iron weapons for their expanding army.
  • Period: to 321

    Mauryan Empire

    The founder of this empirre was the first ruler to unify India and to create a centralized government. The most famous rulr was Ashoka, who is famed for taking over a lot of new land and massacuring thousands before converting to Buddhism.