Earth day

World History timeline

  • Rome interaction with the enviorment

    1. The romans used their provineces to grown food and mine raw matirials
    2. The romans in italy grew graoes and produce wine, they also produced textiles and olives
    3. They also traded salt from the middle east and this mad rome very profitiable
  • Rome economic

    1. The romans had their own system of coinage which made trade, payment, and tax collecting easier
    2. They raw matrials, cloth, slaves, and coins with the middle east, africa, and india
    3. The roman militray conqured much of the known world and looted a lot of cities and villages alon the way so these riches help make the roman state very rich in the process
  • Rome Political

    1. Rome started out as a republic with a senate that was mostly ruled by the upper class
    2. Juliues Caeser took controll of the roman senate in 49 BC turning it into an empire
    3. The last empior of the western empire fell in the early 5th century, the last real empoir fell in 1453 with the capture of the Byzantine Empire by the ottomans
  • Rome culture

    1. The roman citizens went to gladiator events and chariot races to be entertained in massive stadiums, the most famous is the clousiumm in rome
    2. The romes also had public baths were people went to bath and soicalize together
    3. The governmetn leadre threw massive parties with wine and food and many political discussions took place
  • Rome social

    1. people gathered in the colusium to watch gladiator fights and chariot races, they were also given free bread while they watched
    2. People also gathered in public bath houses to bath and sit togetre and talk for hours
    3. They also had parades and celebrations for their empiors birthday and other important dates in the roman calender g
  • Greece Social

    1. On of the big solical events of the time was the olympic game. People went to watch athletes compet in the games
    2. People listened to the teaching of Arolstial, Plato, and Socrates in the schools of greece
    3. The libary of alexandria was on of the biggest places of knowledge in the ancient world, scholars traveled arcross the middle east to reach it
  • Greece Political

    1. Greece was divided up into city states- a city and it's surrounding areas were states with their own governments
    2. Sparta ad Athens were the two big city states at the time, Sparta was a military state and athens was more about learning and enlightenment
    3. Alexander the great conqured much of the know world from greece and greek style spread around the middle east and northan africa
  • Greece Culture

    1. Sparta was a military state and boys were trained to be soliders from the time they were young
    2. The youth of athens attende school and listened to teachings from philisphers such as arisotlae, plato, and socraties
    3. Homer worte the epic the ilad about the trojin war, it tlaked about the trojin horse and achellies
  • Greece Econimic

    1. The greeks grew and traded grain and olives through the medditrainian
    2. Alexander the great expanded greek trade and archutecture through north africa and the middle east
    3. They also make weapons and traded weapons because of all the wars that they had weapons and armor were plenty
  • Greece Interaction with enviorment

    1. Greece was mountainies and the greeks grew olives and grain
    2. They used the terrain to their advantige in war and trade
    3. They built their cities on hills so that they would be harder to invade when war happened
  • Indus Valley social

    1. they created cities that were on raised land that had swear systems and multistory homes
    2. They created many monuments and baths to come come and hang out
    3. They also traded with mesopotamia and the rutulas of the middle east and india crossed and mixed together in what is now pakistain and afganistain
  • Indus Valley Economic

    1. Traded with mesopotamia, traded stamps, grain, and raw matirials
    2. Another big thing they traded was cotton cloth with mesopotamia and this helped the mesopotaimians to mover their riches bake to the middle east
    3. They also traded brozne which is not native to the region, so this supports that they traded with mesopotamia
  • Indus valley Interaction with enviorment

    1. they had their cities raised up on piles of land so that they didn't flood when the rains came
    2. They built their cities so that they would catch the wind so it's a kind of air conditioning
    3. They created massive eriggation ditches and sewers that used gravity to carry the water and waste away from the cities and fields
  • Indus valley culture

    1. People gatherd at temples and baths to hang out and to praise their gods
    2. The Great Bath was a giant bath in one of their cities that was probably used a bath house and batisimal pool
    3. The temple was where they went to worship and descuse politics and religion
  • indus valley political

    1. we don't knwo mush about their overnment ecept that they had one
    2. we do know their government helped create the cities in the right ways
    3. The government was most likely ruled by a king that had advisors helping him along the way
  • China Economic

    1. The silk road opened up china to trade with the middle east and the eastern medtarrainnan
    2. the silk that china produced was in demand and this made the chinese very rich
    3. they also traded grains such as rice and raw mtrials such as silver
  • China culture

    1. Worshipped their ancestors and paid tribute to the, at holidays and other events
    2. the king was seen as a living god and was worshipped like one
    3. They were very closed mined to the rest of the world until the silk road opened up
  • China Political

    1. china was ruled by dynasties-rulers from the same family, many this is how chinese history is divided up
    2. Many dynastys lasted for more than 100 years but only a few lasted over 300 or 400
    3. women helped insure that dynastires would continue becasue many of them were married to the king, but many dynaities were overthrown
  • Chia Social

    1. The silk road connected china with other people from diffirent lands to trade their silk and many raw matrials with
    2. Many chinese mercants traveled to the middle east and beyond trading their goods bringing back ideas and customs from other cultures along with them
    3. The writing of confucious spread throughout china and many people changed their views on the world as they saw it
  • China interaction with enviorment

    1. the chinese farmed rice and other grains, they used plows to dig up the fertail soil and harvested the rice by hand
    2. the chinese also mined tons of raw matrial such as silver, it also helped with the driving of the econmic
    3. they used their livestock to help them harvest the crops and to move it from point a to point b
  • Egypt Social

    1. pharaoh was worshiped as a living god in egypt. Great Monuments were bulit when they died, the pyrimids
    2. Slaves and comon people bulit the pyrimids, they were designed by government officals to capture the power of the king
    3. Also practiced polytheisis and worshiped alot of diffirent gods
  • Egypt ecomonic

    1. many people farmed along the nile river, many also created irriation from the nile
    2. traded with other civilizations in the middle east and southeast asia
    3. the nile also helped transport goods to and from major cities in egypt
  • Egypt Culture

    1. they were polythesistic, they belived in many gods and worked hard to please them
    2. Mummified their dead- preserved them so that their soul could return to the body in the afterlife.
    3. King was at the top of society, artists and merchants in the middle, farmers,peasents, and slaves at the bottoms
  • Egypt political

    1. pharaoh was the absolute ruler of egpyt and all of its lands. Worshipped as living god.
    2. pharaoh had priests and advisors to help him run the government. Helped keep the government in order.
    3. Most rulers came from dynasties- a line of rulers form the same family
  • Egypt interaction with enviorment

    1. Mnay people were farmers along the fertail nile river. Also used it to transport goods for trade
    2. used many inventions such as the plow to break up fertail soil to farm. also bulit irrigation systems to transport water to and from fields.
    3. used natural matrials to build the pyrimids and many other monuments to the gods and pharoahs
  • Mesopotamia Political

    1.Sumarian culture was ruled by dynasties- a series of rulers from one family
    2. Social Pyrimid- King and rulers were at the top, priests artisians and merchants in the middle, and peasents and farmers at the bottom
    3. Government and religion crossed paths- priests were often advisers to the king
  • Mesopotamia Ecomonic

    1. Relied heavily on trade with southeast asia, traded textiles, timber, and stone
    2. Created new trade routes through the middle east and asia
    3. Also traded slaves and food and grain
  • Mesopotamia Interaction with enviorment

    1. Created elaborate irriation systems to watre their lands.
    2. Built plows to dig up the soil faster and better.
    3. used natural matrials to build walls for defence
  • Mesopotamia Social

    1. Developed Cuneiform- a sysytem of writing where hyroglfics were drawn into a wet clay tablet. One of the earliest forms of writing
    2. Social Pyramid- King and ruling class was at the top, priests, merchants, and artists were in the middle. The majority of the people were the pesents and farmers at the bottom. This is a major mark of a civilization. 3.Developed a number system based in the number of zero.
  • Mesopotamia culture

    1. People lived in city-states- cities and their surrounding area that were their own countries with armies and kings
    2. Religion made the people work hard to please the gods, and bulit temples to their gods
    3. Many people were poor and lived in crowded city conditions or on a farm