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2017 Adam Lim Dalat World History

  • 10,000 BCE

    Mesopotamia- Hunter Gatherers (1)

    Mesopotamia- Hunter Gatherers (1)
    Hunter-gatherers first settled in Mesopotamia and learned how to plant crops, gather food and used silt for buildings.
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Early Fertile Crescent- People(4)

    first societies in the Fertile Crescent: Sumerians, Akkadians, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Hittites, Babylonians,(4)
  • 4000 BCE

    Mesopotamia- Growing Cities(1)

    Mesopotamia- Growing Cities(1)
    Mesopotamian homes grew larger and larger and gradually developed cities.(1)
  • 3300 BCE

    Egypt- Heiroglyphics (4)

    Heiroglyphics are colorful painting so of an Egyptian writing system that was usually painted over wall street of tombs and painted with many wonderful and colorful colors.
  • 3100 BCE

    Egypt- 1st Pharaohs 1

    The Egyptian rulers are called pharaoh that take charge of Egypt. Multiple rulers from the same family are known as a dynasty. The 1st pharaoh was Menes.
  • Period: 3100 BCE to 350

    Chp 4- Egypt

    Egypt is known for their development in architecture which helped our modern architecture be what it is today. they created the pyramid and obelisks and the sphinx. the Egyptians also had burial practices like embalming and mummification.
  • 3000 BCE

    6.5- China- Silk making

    The process of silk made the Silk Road start. Silk is made from silk worms which are wound into cocoons and boiled and the silk from the cocoons are threaded into silk.
  • 2983 BCE

    Chp 5 India- Reincarnation 2

    Hindus believed reincarnation would occur to ones self after death according to ones level of karma.bthey believed your kha would bring you to a new place with a new form and as a new person.
  • 2600 BCE

    Ancient Egypt-Mummification 2

    The process of embalming pharaoh for the afterlife is called mummification. You embalm a body, take out the organs and store them in jars for their kah's to take them to the afterworld.
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 500

    Chp 5 - Ancient India

    India is known to be a subcontinent for its huge landmass. the Indians created Hinduism and developed Buddhism out of the suffering in the world. they also created the caste system that separates different Varnas from each other.
  • 2200 BCE

    Egypt - Society 2

    A social Heiarchy was set for Egypt like this: at the bottom was farmers/ slaves and servants, then in the bottom middle was scribes and craftspeople, then higher up was priests, and nobles and at the top was the pharaoh.
  • 2200 BCE

    Egypt - Work jobs and daily life 3

    In Egypt back thrn the work jobs were much different, these include... soldiers, scribes, artisans, architects, slaves and peasents
  • 2000 BCE

    Sumer- Architecture and Arts(3)

    Sumer- Architecture and Arts(3)
    Arts in Sumer include they're pyramid shaped temples, ziggurats, cuneiform, pictographs, and epics including the epic of Gilgamesh.
  • 2000 BCE

    6.1- China- Special Rivers

    China has 2 very special rivers, the Yangste and the Huang He both having different names of the Chang Jiang and the Yellow River. The Yangste River spans for 1395 miles and the Huang He spans for 3395 miles.
  • 2000 BCE

    Sumer- The Growing Residence(2)

    Sumer- The Growing Residence(2)
    Historians and scientist believe that there were almost 100,000 residences in Sumer at this time.(2)
  • 2000 BCE

    Uruk- The rule of Gilgamesh(3)

    Uruk- The rule of Gilgamesh(3)
    In 2000BC, a ruler named Gilgamesh ruled over the city of Uruk. He was one of the most remembered rulers as there has been an epic written about him.(3)
  • 2000 BCE

    Sumer-City States and Areas(2)

    Sumer-City States and Areas(2)
    The farmers that lived in Sumer mainly lived in rural areas whilst priests, rulers and elites lived in the urban areas, combined, they are the city state of Sumer.
  • 2000 BCE

    8.1-Greece - Geography

    Greece is a country that is located in the North East of the Mediterranean Sea with the Ionian Sea on the East, and the Aegean Sea on the East.
  • 2000 BCE

    8.3-Greece- Greek Gods

    In Greece there were Greek gods like Zeus, Athena, Hermes, Hera, Artemis, Hades, Ares, Apollonius, Dionysus, Poseidon, Hestia, Hephaestus, Demeter and Aphrodite.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Chapter 8 -Ancient Greece

    The Minoan civilization prospers in Crete, Greeks and Trojans fight the Trojan War? Greeks build city states. Athens becomes the worlds first democracy
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 206 BCE

    6-China- The Chapter events of chapter 6

    The Shang Dynasty is established, the Zhou dynasty begins, confiucous if born
  • 1500 BCE

    Chp 5 India- the system put in place 2

    In India there was a special hierarchy system used called the caste system. This system meant that the people in one caste could only talk and interact with the people strictly only in the same caste. This meant people would only have one, two, or only three friends.
  • 1300 BCE

    Egypt - Ramses the great 3

    Ramses the great was known to be the last egyptian pharaoh who did wonderful things that the other pharaos could not kepp to his standard.
  • 1200 BCE

    Short term Babylon- The Assyrians(4)

    Short term Babylon- The Assyrians(4)
    The Assyrians shortly ruled over Babylon around 1200 but was overrun again soon after they're rule, later in time, they ruled back Babylon but that was over 300 years later. Then they took over Asia Minor.
  • 1000 BCE

    Chp 5 India- Language

    With the wide spread of Hinduism, the Hindus created a special language called Sanskrit, which is now the most common, sacred and important language to the entire subcontinent of India.
  • 1000 BCE

    6.2- China- The Social Hierarchy of Zhou

    The Hierarchy of Zhou wasn't that different as the King would be at the top, then the Lords and Warriors and then the Peasents. This Hierarchy was just as normal to any other social ranking system... but one!
  • 800 BCE

    10.2 Government and Society

    Magistrates were officials who made up Rome, the most powerful magistrates were then called Consuls. The Roman Senate was a huge council of very powerful men that advised other powerful and rich men.
  • Period: 800 BCE to 1 BCE

    Chp. 10 Roman Empire

    In the Roman Empire Great things happened! Like the Roman republic was founded, and The Punic Wars.
  • 600 BCE

    8.2- Athens- Government at the time

    In Athens government had many different roles one was the democracy which was rule by the people, another was oligarchy which is the rule by few, another would be tyrants which are rulers who rule by force.
  • 563 BCE

    Chp 5 India- Siddartha Gautama

    Siddartha Gautama was the original Buddha, he was on a quest for answers from his disatisfication and went out on a quest one day. He then found him self meditating and fasting under a tree and he then found the answer to why there is suffering in the world and at that moment he was enlightened to be the Buddha.
  • 559 BCE

    Chp. 9.1 Cyrus the Great.

    Cyrus the Great was the fist founder of Greece. He traveled and conquered Asia Minor, Persian Empire and a little bit of India although the next greates leader Alexander, conquered Egypt and a little bit more of India!
  • 550 BCE

    Chp 9.2- Spartan Women

    In Sparta, Boys at the age of 18 would go to serve the military as compulsory so, women in Sparta were given much more power and rights as they needed to take care of the houses, food and mantainence.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 50 BCE

    Chp 9 Greek culture

    Greek culture shaped lots of the world from army strategies, wars and teachings.
  • 500 BCE

    Chp 5 India- Buhddism 3

    Buddhism was created by this man named Siddhartha Gautama. he found suffering one day when he was mediating under a tree and was then named the Buddha
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1550

    Chp 16 The America’s

    The America’s influenced us with many topics including art, architecture, and music. The America’s started 500 to around 1550
  • 400 BCE

    Chp. 9.4- Greek philosophers

    In Greece we're many great philosophers, amongst the best were 3 of them named Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates taught Plato, Plato taught Aristotle, Andy Aristotle taught Alexander The Great. the Yangste were mainly known for their smartness and also their influenced their teachings which influences us now Today!
  • 334 BCE

    Chp 9.3- Alexander The Great

    As soon as Alexander came into Greek lifestyle when he was a teenager, no one knew the entire Greek civilization would change forever. Alex did many things some more than others, like taking over so much more land than his great leader, Cyrus, but also creating new stuff like battle plans as the Phalanx and much more.
  • 320 BCE

    Chp 5 India- Indian Empire 3

    Chandragupta Maurya had 600,000 soldiers and spies with thousands of war elephants and chariots. In 301 BC, His grandson Asoka Took over and became King, when Chandragupta became a jainist monk. Asoka was by far the most powerful Indian leader of the Mauryan empire. By the time he died he took over the whole most of India and other kingdoms.
  • 247 BCE

    10.3- Hannibals power

    Hannibal was a very strong war ruler, he enforced war elephants with people with axes on top of them to kill and fend of enemy power. When the king at that time was defeated, Hannibal, to stop himself from becoming a slave and prisoner, killed himself!
  • 221 BCE

    6.3- Qin- Emperor Shi Huangdi

    Emperor Shi Huangdi was the first emperor to rule and conquer the whole of China which included: Qin, Han, Shu, Chu, Qi, Yan and Zhao. He then named himself The First Emporor from Ying Zheng.
  • 206 BCE

    6.4-Han- The Han Dynasty

    After the collapse of the Qin Dynasty in 207 BCE, a new dynasty rose to take its place. That was the Han Dynasty. A man named Liu Bang became emporor after people believed he had the Mandate of Heaven.
  • 200 BCE

    Egypt- Art forms 4

    In egypt art was also common. They created animals with humans heads, large pillars with a pointy top andeven decorated tombs with heiroglyphics that were infact colorful!
  • 58 BCE

    11.1 Julius Ceaser

    When Julius Caesar came to be the emperor of Rome, He changed the worlds history forevr. With his ways of battle and politics, he helped shape Rome and the entire world.
  • Period: 25 BCE to 1450

    Rome and Christianity- Chp 11

    Christianity was be,I ever BC then and isn’t now the biggest religion known by almost anybody. Caesar’s is also assasinated and Augustus becomes emperor
  • 1 CE

    11.2 Christianity

    Back in Roman times, Christianity formed from when Jesus came into the world. Before Christianity, there was Judaism and its fair to say that Christianity shaped modern religions.
  • Period: 1 CE to 1450

    Chp 11 Rome

  • 30

    MDC- Jesus and Crucifiction-11

    Jesus and Christianity is now a days a very important religion that we study. It has influenced the Bible and the knowledge we have about him.
  • 200

    13.1- West Africa- Gold and Salt

    Gold and salt were valuable trade resources to West Africans. Salt was used as a preservatives to keep food fresh and Gold was highly valued and a tool for trading
  • 250

    16.1 The classic age

    The classic age was the age in which the Mayans were at their peak. They made advancements at that time like obsidian and jade and they made great history through trade.
  • 300

    13.2- Silent Bartering

    Silent Bartering is the process of which two unkind to each other men, come to trade two items without making complete contact with one another, this was to make trading easy and peaceful.
  • 320

    Chp 5 India- Indian Empire 3

    After the Mauryan Empire crumbled, for 500 years, India was divided until the Gupta empire took over. Date= AD
  • 345

    Egypt- King Ezana 5

    King Ezana was the first monarch/ ruler to have his people adopt Christianity. Then from that day, he was known as the first ruler to have taken in that faith.
  • Period: 400 to 1200

    Chp 17 Europe

    Europe was a highly influential country when it came to war and military. Europe also was prone to feudalism and many attacks from the Vikings from Scandinavia.
  • 476

    11.3 internal and External threats

    Rome started to fall when internal and external threats they were facing. They had to face all these problems and when they couldn’t handle all of the “stress”, Rome finally fell.
  • 500

    12.4 - Arabia- Mathematics

    Algebra and Arabic numerals were started by the Arabic’s and are the same numerals and methods we use today! We have changed a little bit of the methods but overall we have brought their old ways to help us today.
  • 500

    17.1 Europe’s geography

    Europe has a great land mass for growing crops and raising animals so there were many farmers who started growing and raising these as food. Europe has another name. Eurasia where it’s the landmass of Europe and Asia and in that supercontinent holds many mountains and tall shapes identified by the study called topography
  • 500

    17.2 The middle ages

    During the Middle Ages, a lot of things had happened including the fall of a Rome, Charlemagne, st Patrick and missionaries. Monasteries. Monasteries were small communities of monks and monks were religious men who lived in isolation from society.
  • 500

    17.3 Heirerarchy And Fuedalism

    The heirerarchy of Europe holds firm, serfs or peasants at the very bottom, making and providing food for those above, then comes the knights which helped the next group up, the nobles which gave knights their lands for protecting them, then at the top, goes the king and Queen who conducted everything happening through the knights, nobles and serfs.
  • 500

    17.4 Military And Japan influence

    Military life in Europe was very similar to those of the Japanese and that the knights were also similar to the Samurai that the Japanese used. They both followed a code of military “law” on the bushido the other the chivalry and both sat on horses with swords or spears.
  • Period: 500 to

    13 Early African Civilizations.

    When West Africans first moved in to Africa, they changed the world by creating different tools and different techniques for farming and education.
  • 509

    Chp. 10.1- First and Last Kings

    Romulus was the first King of Rome, he ruled in 753 BC, the last king of Rome is still unknown, all that we as humans have discovered is he was probably cruel and murderous and then finally a group of nobles took him down.
  • 550

    15.1 Families

    In Japan at that time, they had a very similar living culture to many other countries as they followed the same rules of the extended families. They also had the religion of Shinto which lots of people studied and believed in.
  • 550

    15.2 Buddhism into Japan.

    Buddhism suddenly grew in Japan as it started and people started worshipping Siddartha Gautamas beliefs. They started building sculptures of the Buddha and they started doing this new form of Buddhism called Zen which came from China.
  • Period: 550 to


    Japan has affected the world greatly wether it be now, WW2 or even back when Japan first started as a country. They gave us art, religious beliefs and many more things they have contributed to the world.
  • 570

    12.1- Arabia -The Angel

    One day when Mohammed Was Praying, he saw an angel fly down to him and tell him tospread the word of Christianity around. When he did, Mohammed was named a prophet and Islam was born.
  • 570

    12.1- Islamic Origins

    ProphetMohammed started of Islam back in 570 and it grew rapidly throughout the world. Islam, like many other religions, worship a God which is Allah
  • Period: 570 to

    12- Islamic Origins

    ProphetMohammed started of Islam back in 570 and it grew rapidly throughout the world. Islam, like many other religions, worship a God which is Allah
  • Period: 600 to

    14 China

    China has made incredible improvements and advancements to the world and has definitely made a dent in the world showing themthat they are definitely a country to not forget.
  • 618

    14.2 Tang And Song Achievements

    Tang and Song dynasties have both made a brilliant advancement in our lives. They have created things like , gunpowder, the type (which developed ally since then) magneticcompasses, Paper and even porcelains.
  • 632

    12.2- The Sunnah

    The Sunnah is a written records of Prophet Mohammed’s life and what he has taught and is a model for Muslims and sets an example of what they should be/ follow.
  • 650

    14.1- Empeess Wu

    Empress Wu was the only women empress to rule China. She married an emperor but soon after he died, she decided that she would rule instead of her sons, leading to her being the first and only empress to rule.
  • 742

    17.2 Charlemagne

    Charlemagne was the European emperor that conquered many other countries to form them into one. though battle Charlemagne captured most of France and most of Germany as well.
  • 1000

    18.5 The spanish Inquisition

    The Spanish Inquisition was a group of preist who captured people who practiced their own religion secretly. after capturing them though, they would additionally punish them for what they did.
  • 1000

    17.3 Fuedalism

    Feudalism was how the Lords would treat the vassals and how they would coincide together. This was sort of a good ting but mainly it was a pain. in the 1000s, feudalism began to spread even more by the franks and carried on into Germany and Spain.
  • 1000

    18.3 Monks VS Friars

    Monks and Friars may come out to be yhe same, but they are actually pretty different. Monks are religous orders who worked in the church but lived in isolation and friars are people who belonged to religous orders but lived and worked among the general public.
  • Period: 1000 to 1500

    Chp 18 Later Middle Ages

    1066- Feudalism reaches England
    1096-1291- Crusades begin for the holy land
    1347-1351- The black death hits Europe and kills millions
    1492- The spanish kicked jews from Spain
  • 1073

    18.1 Pope Greg and Pope Henry

    Pope Greg and Pope Henry had a huge argument about who should choose bishops so as punishment, pope Greg mande king Henry stand outside his house barefoot for 3 whole days
  • 1096

    18.2 Crusades

    The crusades were a long series of battles to regain control of Palestine (the holy land). The Crusades are also the people who were marked with a cross and they would go around with the name.
  • 1100

    15.3- Social Heiarching

    The social hierarchy of Japan was pretty similar to other rules. First came the emperor on the top ruling down onto everything and everybody, then came the Shogun which came one level below the emperor which basically led military groups on the emperors name, then came the Daimyo and Samurai which fought under the Shoguns rule and then last came the peasants which were the poorestpeole who basically had 0 power.
  • 1184

    14.3- Confusianism

    Once Confusious came into China, he changed the world forever! He developed this “religion” called Confucianism and eventually developed into Neo confusianism and ended up being a great success!
  • Period: 1200 to

    Chp 19 The Renaissance

    The Renaissance hosted a bunch of different great times and new inventions including the reformation, the 95 Theses And Gutenberg’s printing press. All these factors affected people back then and people now as it changed Christianity and the way we live forever.
  • 1211

    14.4 The Yuan & Ming Dynasty

    The Yuan and Ming dynasties were both very astound for what they have done, for instance, the Yuan Dynasty was known for Zheng He and for Marco Polo which eventually found America. The Ming Dynasty was also known for something, It was known for its army who ultimately defeated the mongols and for Zhou Yuanzhang who became the next emperor of China.
  • 1215

    18.4 Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was a documentation which the king HAD to obey and couldnt ignore and these sets of papers changed Europe forever. Europe now had more leash with what they could and couldnt do thanks to the nobles who decided on this.
  • 1250

    12.3 Ottomans

    The Turkish Warriors who conquered the byzantine empire then turned into the Ottoman Empire and Christian Boys would be conquered by Islamic warriors. The Ottoman Empire then lasted for a very long time only falling in the early 1800s
  • 1300

    13.3. Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa was the most famous ruler to rule Mali. Mali reached its heights after being ruled under him and Islam gained many many more believers andfollowers.
  • 1300

    19.1 Renaissance

    Europe had very good times when the Renaissance came about. The Renaissance or rebirth came about in 1300.shortly after acquiring the Renaissance, Europe, at the time had just gained the invention of the printing press which really actually started the reformation and the Protestant split.
  • 1353

    13.4 Arts and Traditions.

    Griots were people who memorized stories from the past to pass down so they’d eventually be written and remembered. This form of history (as it wasn’t written) was called oral history and is history that is spoken and is not inscribed somewhere.
  • 1400

    16.2 Aztecs Causeways

    The Aztecs developed many different architecture including causeways. Causeways are raised roads across water.
  • 1400

    16.3 Achievements

    Masonry is one of the achievements in the Incan society. They also made pottery and many different arts.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Chp 20 Science And exploration

    Lots f ideas that gathered in this age, had a lot of impact on the earth like sir Isaac newtons laws and others.
  • 1450

    19.2 The printing press

    In 1450, a man named Johan Gutenberg created the printing press, he had no clue that later on in the period, that two men would come about to use his press to copy Marthin Luther’s 95 Theses and use it to start the Protestant split.
  • 1487

    20.2 circumnavigate

    To circumnavigate is to circle the whole world on an expedition. The first crews to circumnavigate was Ferdinand Maggelans.
  • 1517

    19.3 The reformation

    The reformation was good and bad for both the newly split Protestants and Christians. Both “parties” benefited as the Christians would have soon taken over some of the new behaviors the reformation had stated but to also have created a huge wall between both groups. The split all began from Martin Luther and spread by Gutenberg’s printing press and as affect to that, people decided to create the reformation.
  • 20.3 Mercantalism

    Meracntalism is a system which all trade, and sales are controlled by purely the government, most countries still keep this way of trade and is what most countries use today.
  • 20.1 SirIsaac Newton

    Sir Isaac newton, part of the development of the world, figured out the law of motion, gravity, and laws of physics. His ideas helped shape the world and how we think.
  • Period: to

    Chp 21 The Age Of Reason.

    The Age of reason sparked brand new ideas, laws and documents that overall, contributed to the society of the world. Some of which are the: Deceleration Of Independence, US Constitution, and declaration of the rights of man, and citizens.
  • 21.3 The English Bill Of Rights

    The English Bill Of Rights demanded that there shall be rights for parliament and the people of England. It was based on the magna carta.
  • 21.1 The enlightenment

    The enlightenment started a new era of a great time, it thought that reason could guide peoples thought on society, politics, and religion.
  • 21.2 Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu

    These three people were very influential on everyone of that time. Tommy Jeff was influenced by Locke when writing US constitution. These 3 people also contribute to the making of modern democracy.
  • Egypt - Tombs of Pharaohs

    The tomb of tutahnkamun was painted with beautiful heiroglyphics and was filled with lovely treasures, jewrelery and his belongings
  • Penang-Adam was born

    Penang-Adam was born
    Everyone was happy I was born. There was no doubt about having me...
  • Ancient Egypt- Geography1

    The Nile river is the longest river on the planet. It leads to the delta and has cataracts flowing throughout the span. It leads to the Mediterranean Sea and flows from S to N.
  • Egypt - Jobs in Kush (5)

    and jobs in kush had merchant that imported And exported items for the trade. Imports bring in items from other neighboring countries whilst exports sent out item a to neighboring countries.
  • 6.5-MDC-China- Silk

    When silk was created in 3000 BCE, the tradition of threading and processing silk has expanded to what we have today. Silk is still used today as clothes, blankets and even rope.
  • MDC- chp 9- War Plans.

    Greek culture shaped any newer war strategies like how when Alexander the Great was around, he started a new plan for Phalanx which are soldiers with long spears in a very tight formation to kill anyone in their way! It was very effective back then and if this modern era still uses melee weapons and fighting, this would be very very effective
  • MDC- 10 Dressing codes

    Romans inspired one of the most iconic and funniest traditions to date, Toga Parties! Inspired by what Romans wore Long years ago, we have created a "tradition" called the toga party where we honor the Gods of the Roman Empire and what would have happened thousands of years before us!
  • MDC- 11 Rome Christianity

    Back in 1 AD when Jesus was born. Rome inhabited a new religion called Christianity and was later used for now a days a modern religion. Christianity is the worlds most popular religion and all started back in Rome at 1 AD.
  • 12- MDC- Mathematics In Arabia.

    Algebra and Arabic numerals were started by the Arabic’s and are the same numerals and methods we use today! We have changed a little bit of the methods but overall we have brought their old ways to help us today.
  • Chp 5 India- Geography

    India was so big that it had hundreds of geographical features. Some might include the Himalayan mountains and the Indus River valley... India is also so big that people call india a subcontinent. It is a huge piece of land smaller than a continent.
  • MDC Buddhism Growth to today

    People began believing in the Buddhas teachings and Buddhism began spreading in India and other countries, soon to have spread to the entire world. Now Buddhism is one of the most used religion in the world.
  • Chp 5 India- Indian Achievements

    Indians made many wonderful creations, they also studied on astronomy, and metallurgy. they created temples, inoculation, and Hindu-Arabic numerals. they also continue to study these things to date
  • 8 MDC Greek Gods

    Greek Mythology has carried its beliefs to days today. Some people still believe in Gods like Zuess and Athena and we have even created films about them like Hercules and Percy jackson
  • 13 MDC music

    Africans have made and developed many art forms over the years but one that has passed down has to be music. Music is one of the most famous art forms now and from their creations have sparked new ideas and forms of music for people to dance and sing to.
  • 14 MDC- Paper Money

    When China invented paper money, it was a joy to then people back then and to us now as we wouldn’t have to be carrying literally sacks of coins everywhere we went. We also wouldn’t have to shingle through hundreds of coins to count up the right amount. Paper money has made it easier to travel with and easier to trade with!
  • Chp 20 MDC

    Sir Isaac Newtons laws helped shaped modern science and how thinkers think about laws of the earth that Newton discovered. His apple discovery shaped new lessons and helped kids learn about the earth.
  • Modern Day- The World - Laws into society(4)

    Modern Day- The World - Laws into society(4)
    Hammurabis code inspired laws and punishment into the world.(4)
  • 15 MDC

    Japan has formed a nice balance of old to new things that has and is affecting us today. Their artis a big category as their sculptures of the Buddha are now copied and widely used as art and design pieces.
  • MDC 16

    The America’s art, architecture and music influenced us today greatly, their art has shown sculpture and paintings and have influenced our design and color. Also their sports influenced modern day basketball where they hit the ball with their hips.
  • MDC 18 Effects of the Magna Carta

    The Magna carta did many wonderful things for Europe and the world because as a matter of fact, is there was no Magna Carta, Europe would have been ruled differently and still would be different today as well. The Magna Carta inspired new laws just for the kings and brought order into the world.
  • 19 MDC printing press

    The Printing press developed by Johan Gutenberg, shaped the way we wrote forever. Now a days we have high tech printers and what not but were all developed from basically one design, Gutenberg’s!
  • MDC US Constitution

    The US Constitution is still used today by the USA and was created in this age of reason. James Madison was the writer of this document and it showed the official laws of the United States.
  • MDC 17 Europe

    Europe has been very influential in War because many of their strategies and techniques have been used and changed to fit the military and war today. They also have a strong influence in Christianity and the different celebrations we have (st Patrick’s Day).