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2017 Jasmine Hassan Dalat World History

  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Fertile Crescent - People (Ch. 3)

    Right after the Sumerians, a lot of cultures ruled over portions of the Fertile Crescent, including the Babylonians, the Hittites, the Assyrians, the Akkadians, the Sumerians, the Chaldeans, and the Phoenicians. The modern day connection is that the Mesopotamian people influenced trade today, such as the trade routes and so on.
  • 4500 BCE

    4 - Egypt - Geography and Ancient Egypt

    The water, silt, and protective geographic surroundings let a huge civilization to rise up in Egypt. The Nile in Egypt gave life to the desert giving Egypt the name "The Gift Of The Nile." After farming started developing in the Nile, the civilization of Egypt started to develop along the river. Many powerful leaders unified Egypt. The modern day connection is that the Egyptians impacted on surgery in the world today
  • Period: 4500 BCE to 700

    Egypt - Early Egypt (Ch 4)

    Old Kingdom lasted 2700 - 2200 BC. Middle Kimgdom lasted 1700 BC. New Kimgdom lasted 1550 BC. Hieroglyphics developed in 730 BC. The modern day connection about ancient Egypt and Kush is that their hieroglyphics impacted a little bit on the English alphabet and is a common study of many archaeologists. The modern day connection is that now people have some knowledge on surgery since the Egyptians mummified corpses by taking out their organs.
  • 4000 BCE

    3.4 - Sumer - The Rise Of Sumerian and Akkadian Empire

    The Sumerians, developed what is called a city-state (consisting of a city and a countryside around it). Aside from Sumer, there also rose the Akkadian empire. In the Akkadian empire, a rebel of the Sumerian empire, Sargon, ruled over the empire. Sargon was a powerful monarch. He had many tricks up his sleeve when on the battlefield. Many of the Sumerians worshipped polytheism (a worship of multiple gods).
  • 3500 BCE

    4.5 - Kush - Ancient Kush

    Kush and Egypt had a very weird relationship. They would trade with each other. However, they would also fight a lot. Merchants were the traders who traded with Kush along the Mediterranean and Red Sea. Kush would export goods to their other neighbors, and get imports for repayment.
  • 3500 BCE

    3.3 - Sumer - Sumerian Achievements

    In Sumer, they developed the first form of writing called cuneiform. After that, they developed a form of writing with picture symbols, called a pictograph. Usually, a scribe would use these forms of writing to copy a document of some sort. Not long after, the Epic of Gilgamesh was created.
  • 3300 BCE

    4.4 Egypt - Egyptian Achievements

    The Egyptians made achievements in all types of things such as writing, art, and architecture. They developed an Egyptian writing system using hieroglyphics.
  • 3100 BCE

    4.1 - Egypt - Geography and Ancient Egypt

    We learned about how the ancient Egyptians were built next to a river delta (the Nile River). Every so often the Nile would start having a cataract (a rapid flood) which would sometimes destroy crops. So, the Egyptians installed irrigation systems to help the unexpected floodings. In addition, pharoahs ruled over ancient Egypt. The most famous Pharoah was called Menes (3100BC)
  • 2700 BCE

    4.2 - Egypt - The Old Kingdom

    The Old Kingdom was a period in ancient Egyptian history that lasted about 2700 - 2200 BC. The most famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom was called Khufu who ruled around the 2500s BC. The most important person in Egyptian culture was the pharaoh. However, just below the pharaoh were the upper classes. These people were called nobles (from rich and powerful families).
  • 2630 BCE

    4.2 - Egypt - The Pyramids

    In the early ages, Egyptians believed that burial sites (especially royal tombs) were very important. So they built pyramids, which were humongous stone tombs with four triangle shaped sides that met at the very top.
  • 2600 BCE

    4.2 - Egypt - Religion and Egyptian Life

    Much of the ancient Egyptian religion focused on the afterlife, or the life after death. They believed that the afterlife was a happy place. Part of their religion also included mummification. A mummy would be a specially treated dead body wrapped in cloth.
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 500

    Ancient India (Ch 5)

    In this chapter we will learn about all types of culture. Such as Hinduism, Jainism, etc. We will also learn about the development of India and about India's first ever civilization. The modern day connection is that the Indians advanced in math and science, and the Hindu Arabic numerals are still used today.
  • 2000 BCE

    8.1 - Greece - Geography and the Early Greeks

    The geography in Greece helped develop the Greek Civilization.The Greeks were influenced by trading cultures that were developed in the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations. However, the Greeks made city-states for safety and protection.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Ch. 8 - Greece

    The ancient Greeks were influenced with trading cultures and individual city-states. Athens were the first ever people to have a proper and direct democracy.
  • 1800 BCE

    3.4 - Euphrates River- The Babylonians

    The Babylonians was located on the Euphrates River (near what is now Baghdad, Iraq. Their most powerful monarch was called Hammurabi. They were known for the Hammurabi code (a set of 282 laws).
  • 1600 BCE

    6.1 - China - Geography of Early China

    China's geography made travel very hard, put farming was very easy. The civilization of Early China started along the Huang He, by the Chang Jiang river. The first dynasties of China helped China develop and helped them make many other achievements.
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1 CE

    6 - Early China

    The civilization of Early China started with the Shang Dynasty a along the Huang He river. Then, the Zhou dynasty stabilized the political systems to help the political and social problems in China. Next, the Qin dynasty unified China with a strong government and Shi Huang Di's standardization. After the fall or the Qin dynasty, the Han dynasty ruled over China and changed the government system and influenced art. Then trade was influenced so that the Chinese could trade with other countries.
  • 1250 BCE

    5.2 - India - Origins of Hinduism

    Hinduism is the largest religion in India. It was developed from the beliefs and practices from the Early Indians.
  • 1100 BCE

    6.2 - China - Zhou Dynasty and New Ideas

    Before the Zhou dynasty declined, the Zhou dynasty expanded China. A man called Confucius gave ideas to bring peace to Chinese society. However, Daoism and Legalism had many followers as well.
  • 1050 BCE

    Egypt - Middle Kingdom + New Kingdom (Section 3, Ch. 4)

    The Middle Kingdom was when there was a period of time when they had a stable government. In the New Kingdom, trade and military power was at the highest point in Egyptian history. Both classes had different family and work life.
  • 940 BCE

    Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Babylon - The Hittites, Assyrians, Chaldeans (Section 4, Ch. 3)

    The Hittites lived in the Asia Minor. They had many Hittite rulers, and were the first group of people who could skillfully use the chariot. The Assyrians lived in Northern Mesopotamia. They had multiple Assyrian kings who ruled and they were known for being fierce in battle. The Chaldeans (from the Syrian Desert) settled down in the modified version of Babylon. Their main leader was Nebuchadnezzar. They were known for studying astronomy, for they were the centre of it all.
  • 800 BCE

    Phoenicia - The Phoenicians (Section 4, Ch. 3)

    The Phoenicians lived in a place called Phoenicia (located down in the Fertile Crescent). Their main leader was called King Ahiram. They were known for creating the first ever alphabet.
  • 753 BCE

    10.1 - Rome - Geography and the Rise of Rome

    Geography of Italy and Rome made it difficult to travel. However, it helped the Roman Empire flourish. Many Ancient historians were intrigued by Rome’s history. After the Roman nobles got tired of monarchy, they grew into a republic
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    10 - Rome - The Roman republic

    Through time, the Roman Republic grew, becoming the most powerful republic in Italy. While many fought in war, others grew in trade, territory, and many great leaders ruled.
  • 720 BCE

    8.3 - Greece - Greek Mythology and Literature

    Myths were created to explain the Earth. The ancient Greek literature gives some of the worlds most amazing stories, epics, and poems, The Greek literature still influences our world today!
  • 600 BCE

    9.2 - Greece - Sparta and Athens

    To have protection over themselves, the Spartans built up a powerful army society. The Athenians adored creative mindsets and arts, they were also into physical abilities. Both empires fought to decide who should have power over Greece.
  • 550 BCE

    9.1 - Greece - Greece and Persia

    Cyrus the great created an empire called the Persian Empire. After Cyrus was not heir to the throne, Darius I made the Persian Empire more powerful. In the Persian wars, the Persian Empire fought the Greeks twice.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE

    9 - Greece - The Greek World

    A cavalry is a unit of military soldiers who ride horses. The Greeks made many alliances, agreements to work with others. Greece impacts the world today with their similar writing as the Phoenecians, and their democracy impacts several countries.
  • 520 BCE

    India - Origins of Buddhism (Section 3, Ch 5)

    India developed Buddhism, which is now a major religion in India. It all began when a legend was created. Siddharta Guatama's story captivated many Indians -- a man who wandered throughout India in search of wisdom. Buddhism is a religion to help you find peace within yourself, and not in others. Buddhism isn't just in India. After Buddhism was spread throughout India, other countries started worshipping Buddhism as well.
  • 509 BCE

    10.2 - Rome - Government and Society

    The government of Rome was a tripartite that worked together to rule Italy properly. The patricians wrote laws for plebeians and foreigners to read and follow. The Roman Forum was a meeting place, market, and where the Twelve Tables were published.
  • 500 BCE

    13.1 - West Africa - Landforms

    Savannah - grassy plain with a few trees
    Sahara - biggest sand desert in the world
    Niger River - Essential part of Early west African development
    Sahel - a mostly dry area found just south of the Sahara
    Rain forests - moist area with several trees.
  • 500 BCE

    8.2 - Athens, Greece - Government in Athens

    In early Athens, rich landowners and powerful leaders ruled. The first ever proper democracy was actually developed in Athens. However, their ancient democratic ways were very different than ours today.
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    12 - Africa - Islamic and African Civilizations

    Around 600AD, a man, Muhammad introduced Islam, a religion into Southwest Asia. Around 100 years later, it had spread to North Africa, and into several regions of Europe. After a few more years, Islam had spread into West Africa, where trade was huge.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1537

    16 - The Early Americas- USA

    The Maya started with a highly advanced civilization that flourished in Mesopotamia. Then, the Aztec empire rose that was founded in Mexico. However, it didn’t last for long because the Spanish came and wiped them out. Finally, the Incas had a large empire held in South America , however like the Aztecs, the Spanish wiped them out too.
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    13 - Africa - Early African Civilizations

    The empires of West Africa grew wealthy from trade. Geography and trade impacted the Early African culture. Leaders of Ghana built a West African Empire through salt and gold trade. Mali, Songhai, and Great Zimbabwe developed tribes in Africa. Africans didn’t have a written language . instead, they developed a culture of arts and stories
  • 359 BCE

    9.3 - Greece - Alexander the Great

    In the 300s BC, Macedonia took over Greece. A 20y/o man called Alexander the Great built an empire that reunified Europe, Asia, and Egypt
  • 320 BCE

    India - Indian Empires (Section 4, Ch 5)

    Back then, there were two Indian empires that were great empires. The empire that unified most of India was an empire called the Mauryan Empire. Then, the Gupta empire rose to power. Many leaders of the Gupta empire encouraged Hinduism.
  • 300 BCE

    9.4 - Greece - Greek Achievements

    The Greeks admired great works of arts. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were philosophers who taught people about their belief of the “human mind to think, explain, and understand life.” The Greeks made inferences and discoveries in maths, sciences, and medicine.
  • 264 BCE

    10.3 - Rome - The Late Republic

    The Roman rebublic observed the growth of territory and trade in Rome. So, they traveled and conquered many places in order to get new ideas in trade and territory.Many merchants brought goods from other places for the farmers. After many wars, the Romans almost took over all of Italy. Many crises hit the Roman republic.
  • 221 BCE

    6.3 - China - The Qin Dynasty

    The first Qin emperor, Shi Huang Di, created a powerful but strict political system. Shi Huang Di conquered all of China, and unified it. The Qin dynasty was the shortest lasting dynasty.
  • 206 BCE

    6.4 - China - The Han Dynasty

    The government of the Han Dynasty was based off of the teachings of Confucius. The family life was strengthened in the Han Dynasty (your parents could send you to jail if you had disobedience)! The Han Dynasty was the first dynasty to have a common emperor. They made many achievements in art, learning, and literature.
  • 206 BCE

    6.5 - China - Han Contacts with Other Cultures

    During the Han Dynasty, manufacturing and farming grew popular in the trading committee. The trade routes linked China together with Eastern Europe and Rome. Buddhism started to influence China from India, and gained many Chinese followers.
  • 70 BCE

    11.1 - Rome - From Republic to Empire

    There was a disorder in Rome, causing Julius Caesar to come into power. The Roman Republic ended as soon as Augustus Caesar came into power. The Romans grew beyond the Mediterranean. They succeeded in arts, sciences, and maths.
  • 50

    11.2 - Rome - The Roman Empire and Religion

    Rome had a bad fight with the Jews due to their religious tolerance. Christianity was spread through Judaism. Eventually, Christianity was the official religion in Rome.
  • Period: 50 to 1453

    11 - Rome - Rome and Christianity

    After establishing their first empire, the Romans grew in the Christian religion. They grew both in politics and faith. Christianity influenced the Romans in around 312 BC, Christianity was spread almost all over​ Rome.
  • 250

    16.1 - Mesopotamia - The Maya

    The geography of Mesopotamia helped develop the lives of the Mayans. In the classic age, the Mayans created big successful cities that were trade linked. The Mayan culture was shaped by the social hierarchy, religion and achievements. The decline of Maya was unclear or how it ended.
  • 300

    India - Indian Achievements (Section 5, Ch 5)

    In India, many mastered the skill of art and science. Beautiful and religious paintings and sculptures were created by Indian artists. During the Gupta period, the Sanskrit language increased in popularity throughout the country. In addition, many Indians mastered the skill of medicine, an example of one of the main sciences the Indians mastered.
  • 400

    17.1 - Europe - Geography of Europe

    There were a variety of different landforms in Europe that had different climates and life forms that varied. The geography shAped life in Europe from the locations of homes, to the actual people.
  • Period: 400 to 1200

    17 - Early Middle Ages

    In this chapter, I learned about how Europe has several varieties of landforms and climates that have different life forms. Europe became an unsafe place after the fall of Rome. Obligations and complex issues ruled over the Middle Ages. Europe and Japan have their differences in society, however they have similarities in culture.
  • 550

    15.1 - Japan - Geography and Early Japan

    Japan was isolated at a time, however China and Korea had a great impact on the culture. The geography impacted the way the Japanese live life. The clans that were developing over time were ruled by one emperor. They were influenced by Chinese and Korean culture .
  • Period: 550 to

    15 - Japan

    Japan was in isolation for a few years, however they were influenced by China and Korea. The Heinz period was the golden age in influencing Japanese culture in the 800s to th 1000s. A military system led by shoguns.
  • 589

    14.1 - China - China Reunifies

    The Period of Disunion was thetime of war. Yang Jian from the Sui dynasty reunified China and began building the great canal. The age of Buddhism was born and influenced many throughout China.
  • Period: 589 to

    14 - China - Reunification

    After the period of disunion, China reunified thanks to the leaders of the Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties. The Tang and Song periods were the times when culture and technology flourished. Confucianism took a big part in influencing the Song Dynasty. During the Yuan dynasty, many foreign leaders ruled. However, in the Ming dynasty, they threw the Mongols off and prospered.
  • 600

    12.1 - Arabia - The Roots of Islam

    Arabia’s foundation is a desert. Muhammad, the man who invented the religion of Islam, spread his spiritual invention throughout Arabia in the 600s AD
  • 618

    14.2 - Tang and Song achievements

    The Chinese improved in their agriculture that made them also improve trade. As the song and tang dynasties prospered, cities grew. Fine arts and inventions were also popular. During that time, paper, porcelain, woodblock printing, gunpowder, movable type, magnetic compasses, and paper money were invented.
  • 700

    12.2 - Arabia - Islamic Beliefs and Practices

    A book called The Qur’an would show Muslims what to do spiritually in their lives. The Hadith called Sunnah, referred to the ways of Muhammad’s lifestyle, which provided a rough draft on the lifestyles that the Muslims had to follow. Overall, Islamic Law has a foundation over the Qur’an and Sunnah.
  • 726

    India - Geography and Early India (Section 1, Ch 5)

    India's first civilization was developed around the Indus River. India contains great geography, such as the Himalayan mountains, beautiful rivers, and very heavy rains. The Harappan civilization was one of the first civilizations to develop along the Indus River (the most famous river in India at the time). Then, the Aryan migration to India altered with the region's civilization.
  • 750

    17.2 - Europe - Europe after the fall of Rome

    Missionaries and Monks spread Christianity to the northern part of Europe. Charlemagne led the Franks who created a Christian city and dwelled with scholars around Europe.there were several threatening invaders througgout the 700s to the 800s
  • 800

    13.2 - Ghana - Trade

    Trade impacted Ghana greatly, through silent bartering of gold and salt. Because of the increased trade, Ghana was able to make money off of taxes and expand their borders.
  • 900

    15.2 - Japan - Art and Culture in Heian

    During the Heian period, the Japanese reached its peak in culture and art. Buddhism was also in Japan during the Heian period.
  • 1000

    13.4 - West Africa - Griots

    A griot is a storyteller that preserved west African history. They did this by telling other griots about the story. This action was called oral history. There was a risk of details changing overtime when sharing an oral history. But unfortunately, West Africans never developed a written language.
  • 1000

    18.1 - Europe - Popes and Kings

    Both popes and kings lead Europe politically and religiously. However, eventually, popes in Europe tried to fight for power, therefore causing the church to split. Kings and popes had issues getting along.
  • Period: 1000 to 1500

    18 - Europe - The Later Middle Ages

    Both popes and kings had high authority in the European Society in the Middle Ages. The Christian and Muslims fought over holy lands for​ years called the Crusades. The Christian Church was most focused on in the Middle Ages. The European political and social system had great changes in the later Middle Ages. The Christian Church took disrespect to their church very seriously during the Middle Ages.
  • 1050

    17.3 - Europe - feudalism and manor life

    Feudalism was used by knights and nobles to help them deal with each other in peace. Feudalism spread around Europe. Then, there was a manor system that dealt with the society and economy. Towns and trade grew and ended feudalism
  • 1095

    18.2 - Europe - The Crusades

    The main pope started the crusades along with the crusaders to invade Palestine, the holy land. There was some benefit from the Crusades, however,​ it failed anyway. The Crusades impacted the history of Europe forever
  • 1100

    18.3 - Europe - Christianity and medieval society

    In medieval Europe, The Christian Church ruled over the society and politics. Monks and friars did not appreciate the teachings of the Christain Church. Later on, church leaders began building religious universities in Europe. The Christian Church impacted a lot of the arts back then.
  • 1120

    15.3 - Japan - Growth of a Military Society

    Japan created a military system that were governed by generals called shoguns. The samurais and shoguns were taking over Japan as the emperors fell out of influence. The Samurais had a code of honor, called Bushido. The order fell when the shoguns were challenged by rebellious invadors.
  • 1184

    14.3 - Confucianism and Government

    Confucianism influenced several governments in China. The Qin dynasty however, suppressed Confucianism. During the Song Dynasty, scholar officials ran the government of China.
  • 1200

    18.5 - Europe - Challenges to Church authority

    The church punished people who went against their teachings. The Christians fought with Muslim Moors in Spain and Portugal in hopes to drive them out of Europe. Jews faced discrimination in Europe because Jews killed Jesus back then.
  • 1215

    18.4 - Europe - Political and Social Change

    The Magna Carta, document listing rights that the king could not ignore, changed the government and legal system of England. Then, after the Hundred Years' War came along, the political system of both England and France changed dramatically. Suddenly, the Black Death struck through Europe and caused the social changes during the Middle Ages.
  • 1270

    19.1 - Europe - The Italian Renaissance

    The increased trade with Asia and Italy made Italy very rich, leading to the Renaissance. Italian writers and artists created great works during the Renaissance.
  • Period: 1270 to

    19 - Europe - The Renaissance and the Reformation

    The Renaissance was the rebirth of arts in the wealthy cities of Italy. Not only was the Renaissance in Italy, it was also in other places as well. The Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church led to major social changes and the wave of new churches.
  • 1300

    19.2 - Europe - The Renaissance Beyond Italy

    While the Renaissance occurred, Europe made great advances in maths and science. Ideas and inventions spread quickly throughout Europe. The printing press, development of paper, and universities were invented.
  • 1324

    13.3 - Mali - Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa was the most famous Mali leader. He was really rich. He caused inflation wherever he went. He also took a pilgrimage to Mecca. He built schools and believed in the value of education. After his death, his son really dropped the ball and his empire fell. Lesson: always be a good parent
  • 1325

    16.2 - Mexico - The Aztecs

    The Aztecs created an empire in central Mexico. The Aztec empire was developed with the hierarchy and warfare. Unfortunately, Hernan Cortes, a spanish general, conquered the Aztecian empire in 1521
  • 1368

    14.4 - China - The Yuan and Ming dynasties

    The Mongolians (including Genghis and Kublai Khan) ruled lver China for a period of time, this time was called the Yuan dynasty. Stability and prosperity were establishe in the Ming dynasty. There weee large changes in the government of China under the Ming.
  • 1400

    12.3 - Arabia - Islamic Empires

    Muslim armies grew strong and powerful, leading them to many victories in war. Land was given to them after their victories. Due to the many conquered lands, Islam slowly spread across the empire. Islam was also spread through trade. From the 1400s and 1800s, three Muslim Empires ruled over parts of Africa and Asia, and some parts of Europe.
  • Period: 1400 to

    20 - Europe - Science and Exploration

    The scientific revolution consisted of Europeans developing a new way of building knowledge that changed the perspective of how people viewed the world. Explorers from Europe brought knowledge, wealth and influence to their homes. The development of new economies (mercantilism and capitalism) was influenced by the Old and New world.
  • 1450

    20.2 - Europe - Great Voyages of Discovery

    European explorers had the chance to explore in the 14 and 1500s. In the 1500s, Portuguese and Spanish were the most wealthy regions because explorers such as Gama who found a new trade route in Asia. As the 1600s rolled around, the English and French were most wealthy because they claimed and discovered the land of North America.
  • 1453

    11.3 - Rome - The End of the Empire

    There were many conflicts that brought down the Roman Empire. Therefore, the emperor at the time had to split Rome in half. After the split, more political problems formed, causing the Roman Empire to end. In the East, a group of people created a society with an influential religion to the West.
  • 1500

    16.3 - South America - The Incas

    The Incan empire had a very strong government based in South America. T he social hierarchy, religion, and achievements helped shape the Incan culture. However, Pizarro conquered and controlled the Incas in 1537.
  • 1500

    20.3 - Europe - New Systems of Trade

    Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas traded with new plants, animals, and ideas. New trade patterns were developed in the 16 and 1700s and shifted throughout Europe. Europe’s businesses were changed by market economies. In the 1500s, there was a Colombian Exchange between the Americas and Europe where they would trade crops and other resources. Several new economies were also developed such as market economies, capitalism, and mercantilism. There was also Atlantic slave trading.
  • 1500

    19.3 - Europe - The reformation of Christianity

    Reformers wanted to reform the Christian church, however, several others left the church to start new churches. The Catholic Reformation was meant to reform the church positively as a whole from the inside. After the Reformation, there were religious wars and social changes
  • 1500

    20.1 - Europe - The Scientific Revolution

    The birth of our modern science was born in the Scientific Revolution. New discoveries helped the European scientists study nature. Religion, human attitude, and the physical world were all impacted by the society from the Scientific Revolution. New scientists and astronomers such as Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton discovered several things in our universe.
  • 17.4 - Europe - Feudal Societies

    Japan and Europe had similarities such as the feudal society. They also shared royalty, nobles, and warriors, etc. They also differed in culture such as art and religion.
  • Period: to

    21 - Europe - Ideas of the Enlightenment

    Thinkers from the used earlier information to create new ideas and bring light to reason. Ideas from the enlightment influenced influenced the politics and government in Europe and America. Then, the Age of Revolution consisted of a change in the government of Britain, American colonies, and France.
  • 21.1 - Europe - Ideas of the Enlightenment

    another way to say Enlightenment is ‘The Age of Reason.’ The Enlightenment originated with earlier ideas. The more modern ideas came from French and British thinkers. The Enlightenment was mostly secular, or non religious. Several people founded and created new ideas.
  • 21.2 - Europe - New Views on Government

    Monarchies have been influenced due to the Enlightenment. Democratic ideas were also influenced from the Enlightenment. The Enlightment inspired the Declaration of Independence. Several politicians and thinkers such as Locke, Montesquieu, Franklin, and Jefferson have influenced the politics due to the Enlightenment.
  • 12.4 - Arabia - Cultural Achievements

    Muslim teachers and scholars made great achievements in sciences and philosophy. Besides sciences, the Muslimsnalso created great and beautiful arts of poetry , short stories, and breath taking architecture and buildings.
  • 21.3 - Europe - The Age of Revolution

    The government of England was dramatically changed due to the Revolution and Reform. The democracy of America was led by the Enlightenment. The French Revolution also changed politics in the French Government.
  • Hong Kong - Jasmine Hassan was born

    Finally, baby Jasmine a born healthy and happy. Her parents are rejoicing and so is her family.
  • 6 - China's modern day connection

    The modern day connection of China is how the Han dynasty influenced the art in China today. In addition, the Qin dynasty's writing system is still used to this day. Lastly, Confucianism is still believed to this day and is a common practice with multiple Chinese families.
  • 8 - MDC - Literature

    The modern day connection is that the Greek's myths and literature have influenced modern culture and language today. For example, if you look at the Greek alphabet, and compare it to ours, both very similar. in addition, Greek Latin has impacted parts of our words in the dictionary.
  • 9 - MDC - Greek Drama

    The modern day connection. The Greeks created theatre drama, so that’s why out movie theatres exist today.
  • 10 - Rome - MDC

    Rome has impacted our world with many great arts. However, their republic has affected many political systems. Republics still exist today.
  • MDC - 12

    The modern day connections are that the Muslims had spread the religion of Islam, that an estimated 1.5 billion people are into the Islamic religion. Muslims also influenced calligraphy, or decorative writing.
  • Studying History - (Section 1, Ch. 3)

    In this first section, we learned about how history can impact you, others, and your world. We learned about how primary sources are written events that you actually participated in, and how secondary sources are written events you DID NOT take part in. Finally, we learned about archaeologists who study artifacts and the historians who study our past.
  • 6 - MDC - China

    couldnt fit the modern day connection on timeline
    The modern day connection is that when the Shang dynasty created their first writing system, it is still used to this day. In addition, the Han Dynasty influenced the people today with Confucianism.
  • 11 - Rome - MDC

    Since the Romans grew in Christianity, they have influenced modern Rome with the beautiful religion. Christianity is one of the main religions in modern Rome
  • 14 - MDC

    The modern day connection is that China invented paper money so that we today wouldn’t have to carry heavy coins around. Instead, many of us carry paper money.
  • 15 - MDC

    Even though Bushido was originally created for the samurai soldiers, Bushido still influences the Japanese society today. Modern day Japanese people claim to feel a connection with the samurai, therefore practicing the Bushido code. Loyalty, honor, dedication and discipline are still valued in modern day Japan.
  • 17 - MDC

    Europe has influenced the world by spreading their religious arts to several people in the world. Europe has also influenced their own monarchy. They have lived with kings and queens from 400 to 2018
  • 18 - MDC

    The Crusades impacted modern-day Europe with flag art. Many crosses are included in Europe's flags because of the impact of the Crusades.
  • 19 - MDC

    The reformation all started by Martin Luther. After the Reformation, several new churches and "religions" were formed and still exist in the world today. Lutherans were also created due to the Reformation.
  • 21 - Europe - MDC

    The Enlightenment influenced the Declaration of Independence which led to America gaining freedom and democracy. They influenced the main political system in our world today — democracy.
  • 13 - MDC - Music

    Some of the music that we listen to today may have come from ancient African griots. Especially jazz music.
  • 16 - MDC

    The weaving of the Incas have still influenced sevaral Incans living in the mountains. To this day, mountain people have still sheared llamas and have turned them into quilt-like fabrics to make money. Dyes have also influenced the way they weave and process fur.
  • 20 - MDC

    The modern day connection is that Gama discovered a new trade route in Asia that led to more trade between Europe and Asia. Many others also traveled the world and created maps to map the world.