This is my story (A)

  • My birth

    My birth
    my life as a child wsa harsh i grew up in North korea and by the time i was 10 the country became corrupt and it was all because of one man, kim jong hong. in fact it became so corrupt that by the the time i was 16 we fled the country it was tricky with all the guards and security measures everywhere but we made it,but except for my mom she died by electrocution....
  • Fled to Angel island

    Fled to Angel island
    When my faimily got to angel island we were amazed by how big the city was,just then we saw a family crying and going the opposite direction we tried not focus on them,we saw a bunch of other families like them,then it was our turn, they gave us what they called a "physical" it pinched but just for a second,then they sat us down and told us that we didn't pass the "physical" we were in shock,just then he said that two of us passed:me and dad.....
  • The decision

    The decision
    now that we knew that it was me and dad that passed we were deciding who would go and who would stay, we finally decided on having us both go into the new lands besides it's not like we don't have anyone to watch over my siblings. We told them we both would go into America and they gave the "ok" for us to go in. We were amazed by the amount of land here and my dad said "this is truly a gift to be here".....
  • settling and trouble

    settling and trouble
    we were settling in our rented house my dad just got a job for construction worker for like buildings anyways we were in our rented house and we were unpacking just then there was a knock at the screen door we opened the door and there was an American at the door he said he was our neighbor and congratulated us for making it this far, then it got physical he roughed up my dad pretty bad but i gave him a good beating for that, we knew then that life was going to be tough from now on
  • things get worse

    things get worse
    it is now a year later and things are looking down on us. My dad lost his job we are now packing are things because we cannot pay the rent fee or bills we are now currently homeless and we're seriously considering going back to North Korea but that isn't an option because we needed to find somplace that wasn't corrupted. We are also facing major discrimination from the Harsh Americans here we can't discuss,talk or even walk with the Americans and we don't have the slightest clue of what to do