• Congress deals with Britian and France

    Democratic republicans felt humilatied by the failure of the 1807 embargo against Britian. British abuses on the Oceans and Native American resistances in the west, the Americans increasenly blame the British.
  • War Hawks Push for War

    In 1811, some agressive, young politicans knowns as the War Hawks, took thge lead in congress. Representing farmers and settlers from the souther and western states. The War Hawks included John C. Calhoun of the South Carloina, and Hernry Clay of Kentucy. Strongly Nationalist they deonouced the impressemnt of Americal sailors and British supports of American Indians.
  • Native Americans Defend their Land

    Native Americans Defend their Land
    On the western frontier, two Shawnee brother and the warrior Tecumseh wanted to presever Native American culture and unite the Native American nations. In armed resistances against American expansion. They were upset by the governments repeated use of dishonest treatie, to take allies in the south govenner, Wiilliam Henry Harrison. Led the battle of Tippecanoe
  • American Troops Face Defeat

    Thomas jefferosn acted as adviser to madison. He pursuaded that a population of eight million, the united States could easily conquer Candada which had only two hundred and fifty thousand people. Indeeded they thought it could be an easy win for a gain of land. An overland invaison would save the cost of building a bigger navy
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

    British intference with American trade ,impressments and support American Indian attacj on settlers. Madison pressed Congress to declar war. The nation was deeply divided. The United States was harshly unprepared with only a small army and navy.
  • Steam Boats Cut Travel Times

    The first major advance in transportation was the development of the steam boat. By burning wood or coal the engine boiled the water to create steam. The force of the steam turned a large rotaing paddle wich pushed the boat through water.
    Who came up with this invention? A American man named Rober Fulton designed the first commercially successful steam boat. The steam boat had enough power to go up stream of the river. This was a big deal for them back in the day.
  • Federalist Seek Power

    After the war of 1812 and Jacksons victory in New Orleans Americans Experinced a surge of Nationalism and a new confidence in the strength of their Republic by weathering a difficult war the nation seemed certain to endure, and the most americans were giddy with relif. The out come discredited the Federalist who looked weak for opposing war that became popularonce it was over
  • American Indian Lands Become New States

    Leading events the war of 1812 ened most american indian resistance east of the Mississipi River for the time being. As a result of various defeats of American Indians in the south millions of acres of land ready for sttlement
  • Victory Against the American Indians

    To the suprise of many Americans and to to the shock of the British the small American navy preformed well, capturing four British ships durring 1812. ON lake Erie American ships led by Oliver Hazard perry defeated a British flotilla in 1813 enabling an American army, commaned by William Henry Harrison to retake Detroit.
    The Americans made little progress in conquering Canada, but within the United States they did defeat Britians American Indian allies.
  • The Treaty of Ghent

    The Americans had failed to conquer Canada, while the British had failed in their in their American invasions. Weary of war, both sides agreed to a peace treaty that restored prewar boundaries They agreed to set up a commission to discuss any boundary disputes at a future time.
    After Napoleans Defeat, the british no longer needed to impress American sailors or to stop American trade with the french.
  • The British Army Attacks

    Durring 1812 and 1813 most of the British forces were in Europe fighting Napolean. In early 1814 however, the French dictators defeat freed up thousands of brithish troops to fight in North America. This was an issue for the American people. This was alot of British troops back in this time period. Durring the Summer and Fall The British took took the onfensive . Brishish forces invaded the United States.
  • Building better Roads

    in an effort to improve over land transportation which users had to pay a toll. The goverment was taxing and already had toll roads back then. Thats crazzy. The term came from turnpikes. Or gates that guranteed entrances to the roads. Turnpike operators supposed ueses the toll income to improve the roads. Thats not a bad idea.
  • Canals Connect To Markets

    A second transportation advance of the early nation's canal net work grew from one hundred miles in 1816 thrity three hundred miles in 1840. Mostly constructed or worked on in the Northeast. Canals were a good thing because they provided efficent water.
  • American Troops face Defeat

    Thomas jefferson aced as adviser to Madison. He urged that with a population of eight million, the United States could easily conquer Candada, with had only two hundred fifty thousand people. Indeed the prospectes for a victory looked favorable. So basicaly the Unitited States wanted to take over Canada for its land. It seemed like a good idea at the time. This could be pretty risky but might of been worth the risk