Batalla de rocroi por augusto ferrer dalmau

The Thirty Years' Wars 1618-1648 Timeline

  • Sep 25, 1555

    The Peace of Augsburg

    The Peace of Augsburg
    A treaty, where each prince decided whether Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism will be prevailing his lands. Each prince could decide wheder Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism was to prevail in his lands. The free cities had to allow both Catholics and Lutherans to practice their religions.
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    King Christian IV of Denmark

    Son of Frederick II, he developed the Danish navy and overseas trade. He lead a campaign against Germany however after his failure he concluded a peace tready with the Holy Roman Empire without any loss in theritory. However this made him go to war with Sweden and Denmark lost three provinces on the Jutland Peninsula and two in Norway.
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    Maximilian I of Bavaria

    Maximilian I was duke of Bavaria and was one of the most important figures of the Thirty Years' War and a strong supporter of the Counter Reformation, He founded the Catholic League and he fought alongside Ferdinand II until the Swedish forces occupied Bavaria and he was forced to conclude the truce of Ulm and renounce his alliance with the emperor.
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    Philip IV of Spain

    Philip IV of Spain is often accused for the political and economical decline of Spain. He was a despotic ruler and supported the German Habsburgs and the Catholic Church, however he showed lack of interest towards the country's affairs.
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    King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden

    King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden is consiedered one of the greatest Swedish kings. He inspired manz domestic reforms and turned Sweden into a great power.
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    Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia

    King Ferdinand of Styria was educated by the Jesuits and was a fierce supporter of Catholicism. He was deposed from the throne. King Ferdinand's troops, aided by Maximilian I, annihilated the rebels' army, confiscated the rebel leaders' estates and forcibly Catholicized Bohemia.
  • Defenestration of Prague

    Defenestration of Prague
    This was the event that started the great Thirty Years' War. At Prague Castle an assembly of Protestants, tried two Imperial governors, Vilem Slavata of Chlum and Jaroslav Borzita of Martinice for violating the Letter of Majesty, found them guilty, and threw them out of the windows. They fell 30 meters and one of them survived and he got the nickname von Hohenfall.
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    The Bohemian Period

    Ferdinant was removed from power and Frederick V was offered the Bohemian throne. The Catholic League fought the Bohemians and defeated them. A severe repression followed in Bohemia.
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    King Frederick as king of Bohemia

  • Battle of White Mountain

    Battle of White Mountain
    The battle was happening near Prague in Bohemia.This was the first big victory of The Roman Habsburg ove the Protestants. This was the end of the Bohemian period of the Thirty Years' war.
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    Cardinal Richelieu

    Made Cardinal by the Pope, he became Prime minister of France and he guided Louis XIII. He strengthened royal power and turned France into a great European force. He was a strong supporter of arts and he founded the French Academy.
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    The Danish Period

    The Danish Period started after the defeat of Bohemia. The king of Denmark, Christian IV with the help of other countries opposed Ferdinand's forces at Saxony. He lost and signed the Treaty of Lubeck and retreated from Saxony. Emperor Ferdinant issued the Edict of Restitution that stated all Protestant possessions must be returned to the Catholic Church. This caused even more conflicts in Germany
  • Treaty of Lubeck

    Treaty of Lubeck
    Denmark had permission to keep its possesions and the state of Hostein. Christian had to give up what he claimed on the north German bishoprics and the leadership of the Lower Saxon Circle. He also had to step away from the war.
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    The Swedish Period

    The war now became more than just a conflict over religious issues in Germany. France and Sweden signed an alliance and attacked the Hapsburgs. The swedes won several notable victories at the beginning, including the Battle of Lutzen. However Gustavus Adolphus, the Swedish king fell in battle. The Swedes were defeated at Nordlingen in southern Germany.
  • Battle of Lutzen

    Battle of Lutzen
    A battle fought by the Swedes to help their North German allies against the forces of the Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II. It ended with the dead of king Gustavus II Adolph.
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    The French Period

    Cardinal Richelieu wanted to weaken the power of the Hapsburgs and take the province of Alsace from the Holy Roman Empire. He was also conspiring against Spain. The forces of the Empire, aided by King Maximilian of Bavaria and other Catholic princes were having great success against the Protestants. Emperor Ferdinant II died in 1637 and was succeeded by Ferdinant III. Peace negotiations were initiated.
  • The Treaty of Prague

    The Treaty of Prague
    The treaty ended the Austro-Prussian War and weakened the German princes. The Habsburgs were excluded from Germany and the Kingdom of Prussia became the only major power in Germany.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    The Treaties of Münster and Osnabrück, which ended the Thirty Years' War, are known as the Peace of Westphalia. The peace was between the states of Ferdinand III, the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of France, the Swedish Empire and the Dutch Republic.
  • Treaty of the Pyrenees

    Treaty of the Pyrenees
    It ended the 24 years of war between France and Spain. It was a The peace was between Louis XIV of France and Philip IV of Spai