the history of sudan

  • sudan is conquered by Turkey and Egypt

  • Revolt against the Turco-Egyptian administration.

  • Rebellion against the Turkish-Egyptian administration

  • a religious leader named Muhammad ibn Abdalla proclaimed himself the Mahdi, or the "expected one," and began a religious crusade to unify the tribes in western and central Sudan

  • the closed districts ordinances placed tight controls on access to the south, the nuda moutins , darfur and southern blue nile , whose peoples - after 'pacification' - were now regarded as needing 'protection'

  • southern policy was abandoned after the juda conference organized by the cononial government, at which southern chief agreed with northern nationalists to pursue a united sudan. a crash program of integration followed

  • the United Kingdom and Egypt concluded an agreement providing for Sudanese self-government and self-determination.

  • the cairo conference on self-rule on the ground that they had "no party or organization"

  • Nimeiri then initiated negotiations with the southern rebels and signed an agreement in Addis Ababa

  • wwhen southern soldiers mutinied rather than follow orders is what triggers the second civil war in sudan

  • by this time the constitution and disband Nimeiri’s Sudan Socialist Union.

  • shari'a law was incorporated into the government legal system , the punishments are amputations for theft and public lashing for alcohol possessions

  • nimeiri was overthrown by a uprising in khartoum provoked by a collapsing economy

  • , while out of the country, Nimeiri was overthrown by a popular uprising in Khartoum provoked by a collapsing economy, the war in the south, and political repression.

  • is when Elections were held and a civilian government took over after the April 1986 elections.