the history of sudan

By cmoney
  • Period: to


  • Sudan was conquered by Egypt

    Sudan was a bunch of small kingdoms in the start of the Christion era till 1820-21.
  • Sudan is a Anglo-Egyption condominium

    After Britain conqured Egypt they conquered Sudan and occupied them both at the same time.
  • Britian takes over Sudan

  • Series of laws

    Closed districts ordinances placed tight controls on access to Nuba Mountains, Daruf nd Southern Blue Nile, whose peoples- after "pacification" were now regarded as needing "protection"
  • Start of the Cival War and revolt

  • Conflict in Sudan

    religion, oil,money caused a lot of conflict between southern and northern sudan. Starting a war between the two killing so many people
  • sudan became independent

  • Military coup is taken place

    Their civilian goverment was removed and replaced with a militarism goverment.
  • Southern Cival War

    In 1962 another Cival War breaks out in the southern part of Sudan against Christians and Africans.
  • Sudan institutes a Islamic law