The history of medicine timeline

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 400

    Ancient times

    In these times medicine had many different cultural views. Health or illness was supposedly caused by the moods of the gods. There were natural remedies. Religion was a large factor of medicine back then. Primitive surgeries were sometimes performed back then.
  • 460 BCE


    The person who created the Hippocratic oath and made a strict code to keep a patients privacy and to never deliberately hurt a patient. He was born in 460 bc and he died on 370 bc.
  • 400 BCE

    Hippocratic oath

    The Hippocratic oath was basically hippocrates code of ethics that everyone has to follow to this day. The current version of this oath that we use was written in 1964
  • 300 BCE

    The medical symbol

    The medical symbol that we use today is called the rod of Asclepius. Asclepius is the Greek for of healing and the symbol is a snake.
  • 130


    Galen was a Roman physician with Greek origin. He was also a physician to the gladiators. Doctrine of the 4 bodily humors which are blood, phlegm, and yellow and black bile. Galen had anatomy demonstrations with dissection. The notes that he took were used to train phycisians for a very long time. Two things he did was note how the spinal cord is important for moving body parts and he preformed tracheotomy to cure breathing difficulties. He was born in the year 130 and dies in the year 210
  • 200

    Blood, phlegm, bile

    Blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile combine to make the four humors.
  • 400

    Religion and medicine

    At this time, both Christian and Muslim religions supported the idea of helping the ill. Islamic hospitals had different sections for different illnesses and each section had trained nurses for the illness. Christian hospitals had local healers and their treatments mostly consisted of rest and prayer.
  • Period: 400 to 1400

    Middle Ages

  • 854


    Rhazes was a Persian phycisian that had built ideas upon hippocrates. Rhazes discovered the difference between small pox and measles. He was born in the year 854 and his death was in the year 925.
  • 1025

    The canon of medicine

    The canon of medicine was written by phycisian Avicenna. It has five volumes of Greek and Arabic medicine. It was had dominant teachings of medicine until 17th and 18th century
  • 1100

    Barber surgeons

    Barber surgeons practiced bloodletting, cupping, pulling teeth, and enemas. When they served in the military, they treated battle wounds and amputated and cauterized limbs.
  • 1140


    In the year 1149, Norman King Roger 2nd decrees a license is required to practice medicine. People got their license by training and women were not allowed to practice medicine.
  • 1400


    Anatomy used to be forbidden but when it started to be allowed, it allowed new ideas.
  • Period: 1400 to


  • 1440

    Printing press

    The printing press helped publish books and spread ideas very quickly instead of writing down a book and ideas getting around slowly.
  • 1543

    De humani corporis fabrica

    De humani corporis fabrica was made by Andreas Vasalius. De humani corporis fabrica Was considered the first accurate work on anatomy.
  • Scientific method

    In the 1600s the scientific method was starting to get used more and more.
  • Medical changes

    In the 1600s there was big changes to medicine and research. People started to stopped guessing and blaming supernatural causes on illnesses. People also started to look for actuall causes for an illness by observing that one illness.
  • Capillaries

    Capillaries are blood vessels that form a network with veins and arteries.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner was well known for using fluid from cowpox to create a vaccination to prevent smallpox. Edward Jenner was born in 1749 and died in 1823.
  • Period: to

    Industrial revolution

  • Stethoscope

    René laennec invented the stethoscope and it was used to listen to the heart or the breathing of a person.
  • Joseph lister

    Joseph lister thought of using clean tools on patients instead of dirty ones. He cleaned the tools by using aseptic technique. Joseph lister was born I. 1827 and died in 1912
  • Period: to

    Modern times

  • Robert Koch

    Robert Koch discovered that pathogens are the source of some diseases. Robert Koch was born in 1843 and died in 1910.
  • Alexander Fleming

    Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
  • X-rays

    X-rays use electromagnetic radiation to take pictures of the bones in the body. It is usually used in hospitals to see a broken bone.
  • HeLa cells

    HeLa is a cell type in an immortal cell line in scientific research.
  • Stem cells

    Stem cells are cells that can differentiate into specialized cell types. Stem cells were discovered in 1981.
  • Antibiotics

    Antibiotics are drugs that prevents bacterial infections.
  • Penicillin

    A group of antibiotics.
  • Robotic assisted surgery

    Allowed docters to perform more complex surgeries with more precision, flexibility, and control.
  • Human genome system

    The human genome project was a project that tried to figure out the sequence that makes up the human dna system.