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The History of Medicine

  • 570 BCE

    First Muslim Nurse!

    First Muslim Nurse!
    the first Muslim nurse Rufaidah bint Sa’ad , from the Bani Aslam tribe in Medina. She began learning different medical skills from her father, who'm was a traditional healer. She guided a group of women to treat injured soldiers during war ,she also got approved to provided treatment and care for the ill.
  • 450 BCE

    Religion & Medicine

    Religion & Medicine
    Christian and Muslim both teachings encourage the care of those in need. Islamic hospitals with wards from different illnesses, trained doctors, and stores of medicine. Many people used praying as a way of healing and many priest would also preform treatments.
  • 430 BCE


    Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi as we all call Rhazes was known for being a Persian physician his ideas began branching out due to Hippocrates. Rhazes was the pioneer of acknowledging the difference between smallpox and measles.
  • 370 BCE


    "Hippocrates is considered the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine." He wrote many writtings exam and treatment of patients . He was also one of the first to use a strict code in order to maintain the patients privacy. Recently in 1964 they rewrote the Hippocratic Oath that was originally rooted in Ancient Greece. Hippocrates made a huge impact to the medical field , he made many doctors and midwives see the importance of having a good communication with patients.
  • 280 BCE


    Herophilius was one of the first to study the nervous system , he worked on measuring pulse and made use of a water clock in order to expirement this. He also discovered various layers of the eye. He was also one of the first to insist on exercise and having a healthy diet were very important when I came to the body's health.
  • 268 BCE

    The Beginning of Hospitals

    The Beginning of Hospitals
    During 268 - 232 BCE there was a Buddhist Indian ruler named Ashoka insisted on making hospitals throughout routes many people would go through, so if there were any medical emergencies. They provided many different herbs , vegetables , when they weren't supplied with medicated drugs.
  • 250 BCE

    First Nursing School Ever!

    First Nursing School Ever!
    The first nursing school in the world was in India, although this nursing school was only for men because they were "pure" enough to become nurses. Many people believed that women shouldn't be nurses , they would do different practices. Yet now when you think of a nurse most of the time you would picture a women , which in the 250's it was the complete opposite .
  • 159 BCE


    Galen was a roman physician of Greek origin; he was mainly treating gladiators which was a very important duty. Many of his writtings were used to train other physicians for many centuries, he preformed a tracheotomy to cure breathing difficulties.
  • 1000

    Barber Surgeon

    Barber Surgeon
    Barber surgeons weren't any regular barbers, they would cut more than hair! Barber surgeons practiced " biodietting " cupping, and even pulled teeth. They also were a great help during wars , they treated battle wounds and amputated limbs.
  • 1025

    The Cannon of Medicine

    The Cannon of Medicine
    The Canon of Medicine of is a encyclopedia of five medicine books made by Avicenna a Persian philosopher. Most of the information was influenced by Galen this book consisted of medical based essays , anatomy , regimen , physiological principles etc .
  • 1140


    Barber surgeons would hang bandages to dry for advertisement. Norman Kind Rogee II declares that a license is required in order to practice medicine & physicians would be licensed after training ( only men ).
  • 1543


    New visions grasped many people in the medical field to student Human Anatomy at this point of time. De humai corporis fabrica by Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius was the first accurate work of anatomy made.
  • 1543


    Vesalius created a book of anatomy in De Fabrica Corporis Huma, it was the first every accurate anatomy book and this book made corrections for many ideas different doctors had.
  • Zacharias Jannssen

    Zacharias Jannssen
    Inventor of the of first ever telescope, and also credited for the compound microscope. Many believe his father Hans helped him create the microscope , but he was one of the pioneers of this great invention that has impacted the world so much.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    William Harvey publishes An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals. Afterwards many different doctors and physicians had gained an interest in researching different parts of blood vessels, arteries and the heart.
  • Leeuwenhoek

    Leeuwenhoek was a pioneer of the discovery of blood cells, whom also improved many parts of the mircoscope. Leeuwenhoek was known for being a great scientist and technology as well as for his discovery of blood cells in 1670.
  • James Lind

    James Lind
    James Lind was a physician known for the prevention of maritime diseases and cure for scurvy. He had said that lemon and orange juice helped prevent scurvy due to the vitamins they contained.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    In 1721 Edward began to study how people began to get infected with smallpox and by 1768 he realized how people can be immune to smallpox (vaccines) due to many observations. Not until 1774 his work began to be understood widely.
  • Robert Koch

    Robert Koch
    Robert known as the founder of modern bacteriology discovered that microorganisms are the source of some disease. Robert also discovered the isolation of tuberculosis and cholera as well as anthrax.
  • Joseph Lister

    Joseph Lister
    Lister was one of the first to use a surgical procedure that used anesthesia in 1846. He also decreased death rates because he would always insist on sanitation and proper hygiene.
  • Nursing School for Women

    Nursing School for Women
    Thanks to Florence Nightingale having an idea of training nurses to develop a higher education in the medical field . In 1860 they established " Nightingale Training School for Nurses" during this time nursing was a very important role due to the beginning of many wars. Afterwards during war many infections causing death rates to rise deceased due to her help as well as her former nurses.
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Barton
    Clara Barton was the founder of the American Red Cross which was very important throughout the civil war in USA. Her journey began when one day she went to the railroad station and helped over 40 injured men herself. Clara was a good influence for other to become part of the Red Cross and help out many of the soldiers.
  • Mary Eliza Mahoney

    Mary Eliza Mahoney
    Mary Eliza Mahoney was the first African American to work and study as a offical nurse. She also had to face discrimination against African Americans being nurses, which was very difficult to do during this era.
  • Linda Richards

    Linda Richards
    Linda Richards was the first professional nurse in America, she also began her own training program for nursing in the USA and in Japan. She was also the first to crest a system that kept individual medical records for all the patients hospitalized.
  • Ellen Dougherty

    Ellen Dougherty
    Ellen Dougherty is one of my favorites because she was the first ever Registered Nurse in the whole world, I honestly want to study to be registered nurse so learning about her was exciting. Although she was from New Zealend they were the first to make a legisization of the " Registered Nurse Act."
  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    Marie moved to France to study later began a research of radioactivity substances and inveterate " radioactivity" her husband also helped out during this expirment. A couple years later she got rewarded a novel prized in physics with the " radiation phenomenon."
  • Edith Cavell

    Edith Cavell
    Edith was a huge example of heroism, during the First World War she helped saving life's from both sides and later got arrested. She got sentenced to death due to her actions and was shot by a German firing squad.
  • Archibald Mclndoe

    Archibald Mclndoe
    Archibald was a plastic surgeon and a doctor he preform many surgerys for pilots during World War. Many pilots whom were shot down had many horrendous burns and since back then there was only four other surgeons he'd be the one in charge of helping out many pilots with their appearance.
  • Robert Ledley

    Robert Ledley
    Robert Ledley was one of the pioneer inventors of the famous catscan that is so more often now. This invention hasn't changed the medical field so much and has had many new advances to make it even better!
  • Dr. Christiaan Barnard

    Dr. Christiaan Barnard
    Dr. chirstiaan Barnard was the first surgeon to preform a heart transplant on a human , what's interesting about this surgeon was he began exploring since he was very young. When he was around his 20s he preformed experiments on dogs and developed a remedy for infants defects (intestinal.)
  • Dolly Sheep

    Dolly Sheep
    Dolly was a female sheep , whom was the first cloned mammal ever! This process was made by nuclear transfer I choose this for the modern era because medical technology has advanced a lot.