220px royal irish rifles ration party somme july 1916 1

The Great War and the Impact of World War 1

  • Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing emperor, Puyi

    Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing emperor, Puyi
    In 1911, the Chinese Nationalist group finally got rid of the longtime Qing Dynasty, and of the last emperor, Puyi.
  • World War I begins as Austria declares war of Serbia

    World War I begins as Austria declares war of Serbia
    Austria Hungary had sent their crown prince down to Serbia in order to show who their new ruler would soon be. However, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assasinated on this trip, and would be what cause Austria to declare war on Serbia in 1914.
  • U.S. Enters the war

     U.S. Enters the war
    The U.S. had remained out of the war, until 3 important things happened that changed the fate of the war altogether. The Germans sunk the Lusitania, a British ship with American passangers on it. Then, the U.S. discovered the Zimmerman Telegram, in which Germany told Mexico that if they fought for them then Mexico would recieve part of the U.S. back. Lastly, the U.S. knew that Britain owed them more money, so they entered the war in 1917, after these 3 major events.
  • Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers

     Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers
    Eventually, in 1918, the Allies defeated the Central Powers, and the Armistice, or the agreement to stop fighting was signed. World War 1 was officialy over.
  • Gandhi leads Indian camapaign of civil disobedience

    Gandhi leads Indian camapaign of civil disobedience
    Gandhi led the Indian people by wearing his own clothes in protest to British made ones, and also by the salt march, where they protested the British salt tax by making their own. He used peaceful protesets to disobey the British.
  • Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic

    Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic
    After the war, Mustafa Kemal turned Turkey into a Republic and created a strong sense of national pride by calling it Turkey, after the Turks. They were now a nation and he also modernized the country.
  • Mao Zedong heads Long March

     Mao Zedong heads Long March
    In 1934, the Chinese nationalists chased the communists in a long march for over 6,000 miles. The communists, led by Mao Zedong, eventually reached the caves of Shaanxi.