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Women & Children

  • U.S response to geno

    U.S response to geno
    -The events were reported daily in newspapers and literary journals around the world. Many Americans spoke out against the Genocide, including former president Theodore Roosevelt, rabbi Stephen Wise, William Jennings Bryan, and Alice Stone Blackwell.
  • U.S response

    U.S response
    -The U.S. was not a huge military power, as we know it today, and didn't become one until after WWII. The U.S. also didn't have any political sway, and the Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful forces in the world.
    -While it was not looked well upon, the U.S. had her hands tied on the manner. Unfortunately, there was nothing the U.S. could do to stop it, but just offer help in picking up the pieces.
  • The Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman Empire entered World War I in 1914, fighting against Russia in campaigns that straddled territory inhabited by Armenians on both sides of the border. The Ottoman Empire was badly defeated by Russia in a campaign in the winter of 1914–1915, and the government then made the Armenian community a scapegoat for the military losses that had occurred at the hands of the Russians.
  • The Begining

    The Begining
    -over 5,000 of the poorest Armenians were butchered in the streets and in their homes
  • Report on the treatment of Armenian children

    Report on the treatment of Armenian children
    -Children were left behind
    -approximately 3.000 children in houses referred to as Turks " orphanages "
  • Women

    -Armenian women were retained in those houses to look after young infants and children
  • Reports

    -The most extensive operations of mass burning of children took place in Bitlis province. Swedish missionary Alma Johansson, who was running the German orphanage in Mush, reported that many Armenian women and children were burnt alive as the orphans of their orphanage.
  • -continued

    -Some women raped in front of their families, children were taken away into slavery, the elderly beaten and crushed.
    -Bodies were left in the streets or hanging on poles to terrorize locals and the rest were ordered to death marches, told that they were being deported through brutal weather and conditions, left for Kurdish and Turkish gangs who acted on direct orders and with help of Turkish army to commit murders, rapes, tortures, abductions
  • Treatment

    -Treatment was horrible Turkish army, with the help of Turkish gangs, raided Armenian villages and parts of cities where they lived, dragging people out their houses, crushing and shooting anyone who dared to argue
    -Women, children and the elderly were isolated and men and young adults were removed and taken to death camps, some were tortured and slaughtered in front of their families.
  • Starvation

    -the image on the left shows how mothers as well as their children had to starve together
    -lack of nutrition lead to death
  • Children

    -An equally large number of Armenian children were destroyed through mass drownings at the Mesopotamian lower ends of the Euphrates River, especially in the area of Deir Zor. According to the testimony of an Armenian survivor, Mustafa Sidki, Deir Zor's police chief
  • Turks DENY

    Turks DENY
    -The basic argument of denial has remained the same, it never happened, Turkey is not responsible, the term "genocide" does not apply.
  • Today

    -The Republic of Turkey do not accept that the Ottoman authorities attempted to exterminate the Armenian people
    -Till this day kids in Turkey are taught that nothing ever happened
  • 1917

    -It is said that genocide ended in 1917 It ended , but there were further massacres of Armenians by the Turks in 1922
  • Description of Armenians

    Description of Armenians
    -The Armenians are an ancient people who have existed since before the first century C.E.
    -Christianity is a deeply rooted aspect of Armenian history and culture.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    -The policy of genocide against the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire started with the annihilation of the male population
    -These deportations quickly turned into “death marches”. Deportation caravans mostly consisted of old people, women and children.
    -Many of the women were kidnapped either by the Ottoman Turkish soldiers or Kurdish bands, or Bedouins killing any who tried to oppose them
  • Denials

    -On the march, often they would be denied food and water, and many were brutalized and killed by their "guards" or by "marauders."
    -The authorities in Trebizond, on the Black Sea coast, did vary this routine: they loaded Armenians on barges and sank them out at sea.
  • death ways

    death ways
    -Others described how they tied women and children to horses to be dragged miles on streets and into the desert.
    -Several accounts described slow and painful cutting of women's sexual organs to leave them to bleed to death, or crushing of young children in front of their parents. Shooting aimlessly into the lines of the death marches,
  • The rest

    The rest
    -the remaining Armenians were called from their homes, told they would be relocated, and then marched off to concentration camps in the desert between Jerablus and Deir ez-Zor where they would starve and thirst to death in the burning sun.

    -Some of those individuals who were kidnapped and integrated into Muslim family life, over time forgot about their Armenian ethnicity and even lost the ability to speak their native language.
    -In order to save their own lives and the lives of their loved ones many Armenian women forcibly to adopted Islam.
    -They eventually were married off to Muslim men and in keeping with local tribal customs, were marked with specific tattoos.