
The French Revolution

  • The Beginning of The French Revolution

    The Beginning of The French Revolution
    King Louis XVI convokes elections for delegates to the Estates-General due to​ the people wanting a change in the government of France because of the lack of food and resources.
  • Conflict With The Royal Family

    Conflict With The Royal Family
    The Royal Family flees Paris due to the citizens rising up, but then later they are brought back and the Parisians become more mad about the situation so the king was executed as a way of declaring that the people wanted a different type of government.
  • France Against Europe

    France Against Europe
    As the people of France were beginning to mark a new set of government, they also began to burn a lot of bridges between their European neighbors by going towards Prussia and Austria to gain benefit as they went into war with Spain and England due to conflicting all sides gaining trouble amongst themselves.
  • The Convention Replacement

    The Convention Replacement
    Paris has another individual in the uprising and with the uprising of Jacobins and sans-coulette, it formed a new constitution that has become accepted and becomes the power of the nation, leading to the French people becoming more able to do more in the country due to the way of ruling.
  • Bonaparte's Chases

    Bonaparte's Chases
    Bonaparte wants to make war with Venice, he does this since he believes that, aside from the conflict, it will give France an opportunity to seek new ways to find alternatives towards making discussions for the people of Italy to support their way of government and how they could make an impact on them on being part of the new government.
  • The End of The French Revolution

    The End of The French Revolution
    When Bonaparte returns to France, he is received from the Directory to be part of the government officials while Napoleon becomes the president of France. The Council of Five Hundred become part of the government and they decide to pass laws that will benefit the nation and the people of France.