The French Revolution

By FerrerB
  • The call of the Estates General

    The call of the Estates General
    Louis wanted to get France out of debt, and to do so he wanted to tax people inlcluding the nobles. This was significant because no estate wanted to do this, so it causes the third estate to refuse to meet seperatly.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath had a huge impact on the start of the revolution because it marked how the third estate would not stand for the old regime, and they waited untill a new French constitution would be made. 576 people from the Third Estate signed this Oath.
  • Storming of the Bastile

    Storming of the Bastile
    The Storming of the Bastile was important because it marked the point in which many of the peasanst and third estate revolted against the laws of the monarchy, It led to an abolition of the French Monarchy and led to a new French Republic in hopes for change. It gave the French people a bunch of gunpowder and weapons considering it was a prison, and the biggest one there.
  • The declaration of Rights and Man

    The declaration of Rights and Man
    The Declaration of Rights and Man was a significant step in the revolution because the french people decided as a whole community to change the rules and laws of neglect and put forth new rights for the people (peasants)
  • Robebspierre comes to Power

    Robespierre started out taking care of his siblings after his parents died, so he became a laywer. He then pushed himself into the fight of the revolution and was elected to become one of the deputies of the third estate. He worked on defending the Declaration of Rights and Man. He was known for being a public speaker in the Assembly, and was hugely apart of the Jacobins.
  • The March to Versailles

    The March to Versailles
    On this day about 7000 peasant women marched their way to Versailles with pitchforks and torches yelling about how they are angry in the large increase on bread. The women hunted for Marie Antoinette in hopes to finaly get rid of her. With this march it brought a decrease in power to the great monarchy at hand, and changed the way women were percieved in the Revolution
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    What started as a governmental campain to help France within turned into a bloody beheading of many people on the guillotine. The people who were targeted were those who opposed the Jacobins views and ideas, if you just talked bad about them its "off with his head". This idea of terror was not wanting to be beheaded and making sure to behaive oneself within this French Republic.
  • King Louis's Trial

    King Louis's Trial
    As a sort of final proposal for the new French National Convention they decided on the execution of King Louis XVI. Louis was found guilty of treason and sent to the Guillotine as a final goodbye. The death of Louis marked an end to the old Monarchy and on with new system for Frace. The revoulutionaries declared themselves winner and had the right to what they wanted to do.