06 french revolution.cover

The Infamous and Macabre, French Revolution

  • The Meeting of the Estates-General

    The Meeting of the Estates-General
    In Versailes, France, he first meeting of Estates-General took place. This meeting happened to discuss the raising of taxes, and the matter of over-taxation after Frances debt with the war. This meeting included all 3 estates. The clergy and the nobles had taken command of the Estates-General throughout it's start. In this meeting, all 3 Estates were invited to come each with their delegates, and the 3rd Estate; the commoners, were the ones with the most delegates, seeing as they were 97%
  • Period: to

    Timespan for the French Revolution

    Timeline for the French revolution
  • Voted to Establish the National Assembly - leads to the Tennis Court Oath.

    Voted to Establish the National Assembly - leads to the Tennis Court Oath.
    The Estates-General meetings where when the 3rd Estate voted to establish the National Assembly, in effect proclaiming the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government. This vote was the first deliberate act of the revolution. After debating of wether or not to form the National Assembly, the Third Estate delegates found themselves locked away from their meeting rooom, they broke in and found themselves in a Tennis Court, and was where they formed the constiution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    In Paris, rumors and rebellions started spreading. People started gathering weapons in preparation for an attach, and on July 14th, an mob of people began to search for gunpowder and arms stormed the Bastille, a Paris prison. They seized control of the building, and killed the guads and the prison commander, later parading around the city with their heads on pikes. This was a symbolic and great act of the revolution.
  • Feudalism is Ended, Divisions between Estates Ended

    Feudalism is Ended, Divisions between Estates Ended
    The National Constituent Assembly, announced, "The National Assembly abolished the feudal system entirely." It abolished both the rights of the Second Estate (the nobility) and the First Estate (the clergy).The old judicial system, founded on the 13 regional parliaments, was suspended in November 1789, and finally abolished in 1790.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and other Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and other Citizen
    In this date, the National Assembly paddef "The Declaration of the Rights of Man". The citizens declared and argued "men are born and remain free and equal in rights."They wanted LIberty, Equality and Fraternity. In the National Assembly they expressed their feelings and ideas.
  • Royal Family attempts to Flee

    Royal Family attempts to Flee
    The Jacobins trailed Louis because he betrayed him, after telling Prussia and Austria that they should take violent measures against the revolution, and agreeing with the idea of the war. King Louis XVI is found guilty after the civilians vote, and by one vote, he is sentenced to death. He was beheaded in public by a machine called the guillotine in January 21, 1793.
  • Legislative Assembly declaration war on Austria and Prussia

    Legislative Assembly declaration war on Austria and Prussia
    The French were forces to declare war on Prussia and Austria, because they feared the revolutionarie ideas might spread acrosss Europe, like the revolutionaries were planning all along. The Legislative assemply, decalred war on Austria and Prussia.
  • Abolished the Monarchy

    Abolished the Monarchy
    The national convention was formed elected to provide a new constitution for the country after the overthrow of the monarchy. It was located in France.
  • Robespierre becomes a dictator

    Robespierre becomes a dictator
    Followed by the Jacobins, Robespierre became a great and worthy leader. Robespierre came up with the idea of "republic of virtue", with this idea, he pretended to close churches and change important dates. After fighting in countless battles, he started to govern France in a dictatorship, which was ironic considering that they fought all this way to get rid of monarchy, only to end up with a dictator. This period is also known as the "Reign of Terror".
  • Robespierre's Death

    Robespierre's Death
    Robespierre was betrayed by the members of the National Assembly, and they demand his death by arresting him and sending him to be executed, by the infamous guillotine. The "Reign of Terror" was finally over with the death of Robespierre.