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The French Revolution

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    Estates General

    Due the political, social and economical crisis France was experiencing, the king Louis XVI called the 3 estates for a meeting, with the purpose to solve that desperate circumstances caused by the luxurious life of the court and the support given to the british colonies.
    Each of the 3 estates wrote a book of complains, saying what would benefit their lifes (Book of grievances - Cahier de doléances)
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    The National Constituent Assembly

    It was a revolutionary assembly formed by representatives of the 3º Estate that were later joined by some nobility and clergy.
    It was created because of the King's refusal to allow an individual vote to the 3º estate, which was one of their most important grievances from the cahier de dóleances.
    People were alarmed because of the amount of troups that watch over the cities.
    That is why poeple in Paris took the streets with the Storm of Bastille 14-July-1789, beginning of the Popular Revolution.
  • National assembly

    National assembly
    The king refuses to allow an individual vote, so the third state declares themselves the National Assembly. The French people start taking the streets, and, in July 1789, they storm the Bastille, making the Popular Revolution begin.
  • The storm of Bastille

    The storm of Bastille
    During this event, Parisian revolutionaries and muntinous troops stormed and dismantled the Bastille prison, which was conceived as a symbol of Royal Authority and tyranny, although few people were prisoned there. This dramatic action signed the beginning of the French Revolution. The main reason of it was the excesive amount of Troops in the Frech streets due to the king's fear of a popular sublevation.
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    Legislative assembly

    National Constituent assembly was abolished by vote after completing a draft Constitution, separation of powers and ancient regime inequalities.
    Louis XVI after trying to flee to Austria, was confined in the Tuileries Palace and forced to sign the Constitution, hence he became untrusted and unpopular.
    The monarchy secretly created the First Coalition, an alliance between absolute monarchs to help each other.
    This alliance was discovered and due to Prussian threats, the royal family was arrested.
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    Louis XVI is condemned to death and guillotined in January 1793. Meanwhile, the new republic is governed by the National Convention, which is split between two main factions:
    -The Girondins: represent the upper bourgeoisie and had worked with the constitutional monarchy of Louis XVI.
    -The Jacobins: have the support of the middle and petty bougeoisie. Their leaders are Danton, Robespierre and Marat.
    The Jacobins produce the first republican constitution, which recognises universal male suffrage.
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    Reign of Terror

    The more moderate Girondins initially have control. But the Jacobins seize power that summer. In September, a 10 month period of extreme violence begins. Robespierre is a key figure.
  • Coup d'état

    Coup d'état
    It results in the execution of Robespierre
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    Firts White Terror

    A lot of repisals against the leaders and supporters of the previous period.
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    The directory is a commitee made up of five members, so that power would not depend only on one person. The directory faces numerous domestic problems: severe financial issues, an unstable food suply and a political crisis.
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    The consulate in France

    In november, a coup d'état bring Napoleon, Sièyes and Ducos decide to govern France with a Consulate. Also Napoleón was elected for being First Consul for Life. So Napoleón decide to create The Napoleonic Code, Careers open to talent (he change all social classes) and Orders (reestablishes relations with catholic church, restructures finances, organise police action)