The Development and Interaction of Cultures Resulting from The Rise and Spread of Islam

  • Period: Nov 2, 600 to Nov 2, 1400


    Although the spread of Islam brought new governments to areas such as Medina, it showed greater continuity in the spread of old ideas in science and mathematics, continuing existing trade routs, and spreading the same message of Islam to the global community.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad Recieves Revelations

    In 610, Muhammad recieved many revelations whcih he believed to be from Allah. These revelations were documented in the Qur'an. These revelations formed the tennants of Islam and Muhammad began to teach them to his clan and the people lib=ving in Mecca. This shows change because it was the beginning of a new religion and culture. This was the first time Islam was ever introduced.
  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammad Flees to Medina

    As Islam spread in Mecca, the Umayyad rulers saw Muhammad as a threat to their control because Islam directly countered their polytheistic faith (gods of the Ka'ba). They threatened to murder him and he was forced to flee to Medina. Medina was happy to take him as ruler. In Medina he settled disputes between Clans. This shows change because Islam became the new faith of Medina and united the different bedouin tribes.
  • Period: Jan 1, 640 to Dec 31, 700

    Islam Enters Africa

    During this period, Muhammad's follers traveled across north africa from Suez to Morocco. Muslim control continued to expand across northeen Africa. This showed change because it was the first time that Islam had been introduced into Africa and unlike other areas it caught on quickly because of the unity of the Abbasid Empire.
  • Jan 1, 711

    First Muslim Intrusion onto South Asia

    Since ancient times, Arabs and Indians had been trading. Eventually, these traders converted to Islam. Then, attacks by Sind pirates caused the eastern Umayyad Empire to launch attacks on Sind. Muhammad ibn Qasim won the battles and made the region part of the Umayyad Empire. This showed continuity because there was actually little change in religion. The Arabs protected the Hindus and Buddhists by not taxing them and allowing them to worship freely. Most Indians remained Hindu or Buddhist.
  • Nov 2, 750

    Indian Learning Brought to Abbasid Empire

    In the mid-8th century, Hindu scholars traveled to Baghdad. They brought their knowledge of Algebra and Geometry, which were translated into Arabic. Their celestial observation instuments were recreated and updated by the Arabs. Most importantly, all Arabs began using the Hindu number writting system (later known as Arabic numberals). This shows continuity because the same ideas were being reused and built upon.
  • Nov 2, 1200

    Mali is Created

    In the 13th century, the Islamic city of Mali took control of the area previously controlled by Ghana. Old forms of kingship were einforced by Islamic values. The rulers in Mali built mosques, attended public prayer services, and supported preaches. This showed continuity of Mali as Islamic vlaues supported and enriched current ideas of government.
  • Nov 2, 1275

    Islam accepted in Sumatra

    By the late 13th century, the northern coast of Sumatra was the first area to be converted to Islam. They had traded with Arabs and Indians for many centuries. Muslim traders showed the locals their rituals and beliefs and spoke of how many people had already covnerted. The Muslims also brought Sufis who also helped with conversion. This showed change because this was the first area in Southeast Asia to convert to Islam and it opened the pathway of Islam to Malaya and Malacca.
  • Nov 2, 1300

    Islam Spreads to Malacca

    In the following centuries, Islam spread to Malacca. From here, te Islamic faith spread to Malaya, east Sumatra, Demak, and Japan. This was accomplished through trade routes and Sufis. It was a struggle to convert the Hindus and BUddhists. This event shows continuity because the Sufis allowed them to retain past beliefs that werea ctually contradictory to Islam. Also, the trade routes remained the same.
  • Nov 2, 1324

    Mansa Musa Begins Hajj to Mecca

    Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca showed off Islam. His journey displayed his greatness to all that saw him. It showed the power of islam and how many people had already converted. He gave away so much gold that its worth decreased. This showed continuity because others had made this trip before and others continued to do it afterward. It also remained a symbol of wealth and power in Africa for years to come.
  • Ghana Converts to Islam

    By the 10th century , Ghana had converted to Islam. People were attracted to the Islamic idea of equality and the combining of the sate and religious powers in the Clapih. This showed change because it was a different government system and religion for Ghana.