By Umbreen
  • Blogger

    I have used Blogger to post everything I have learnt and done. Also to keep in track of what I am doing and evaluate. I have the blogger app on my phone so that I can blog and update posts on the go.
  • Camera's

    I learnt how to use the camera and how to set it up. For example opening up the tri-pod the correct way. I also learned all the safety precautions and how to put the equiptment away safely. The types of camera we used for our film opening was a JVC video camera. The equipment we used was a tri-pod and a fig-rig for first part of our opening. However, using the fig-rig didnt work out because we decided it was all over the place and we didnt need the shot.
  • Flip Camera

    Flip Camera
    We used a flip camera to film feedback from our ideas and powerpoints that we showed to the class. Flip cameras were also used for interviews.
  • Final cut pro

    Final cut pro
    Final cut pro is a good way to edit videos to that it is set to a high standard and looks good and professional. We used final cut pro to put all our scenes together and edit them. After we finished filming it was important to save all the clips we wanted to use onto our hard drive and then onto final cut pro so it didnt get lost.
  • Prezi

    Prezi is a good way to create powerpoints and you can customize them to how you want it to look and this makes it look very unique as it is created to your own style choice. I used prezi for one of my evaluation questions and it looks very professional.
  • Timetoast

    Timetoast is a good way to secure files as it is kept in order of dates and it looks very professional. I have also used timetoast for evaluation as it is in order and I know where I am up and can update it.