Symbolic Timeline - Ancient Roman Empire

  • 300


    Located in: portugal, spain, andorra, united kingdom, france, monaco, luxembourg, belgium, netherlands, germany, switzerland, liechtenstein, italy, san marino, vatican city, malta, australia, czech republic, slovakia, slovenia, croatia, montenegro, kosovo, serbia, bosnia herzegovina, hungary, albania, greece, FYR macedonia, romania, bulgaria, turkey, georgia, armenia, azerbaijan, syria, iraq, sudan, libya, tunisia, algeria, morocco
  • Period: 300 to


  • 400


    Low class- Slaves
    Next class- Plebeians
    Second to last class-Equestrian
    High class- Nobles of Rome
  • 500


    Rome was an monarchy ruled by kings.
    Two magistrates called consuls which carried on the functions of the former kings (supreme civil and military authority in republican rome). The consuls only lasted one year then became senators for life unless outed by the censors.
    Sometimes dictators was the head of the roman republic.
  • Apr 1, 600


    -Greek gods and goddesses.
    *Jupiter~ Master of the gods & the main god of the romans. (Had thunderbolts he used to hurt them from the sky)
    *Juno~ Goddess of women & fertility. Her signs was a pomegranate & a peacock. (Married to Jupiter)
    *Mars~ God of war. (Strongest god other than Jupiter)
    *Diana~ Goddess of hunting & the moon.
    *Mercury~ The messenger of the gods.
    *Vesta~ The goddess of the hearth & home.
    *Vulcan~ The god of the underworld & the gods blacksmith
    *Minerva~ The god of wisdom.
  • May 1, 700


    Romans wanted their art and architecture to be useful so they built bridges, public baths, houses, and harbors.
  • Technology

    The roman military was most powerful and successful. Always beating the western world for decades. It conquered the meritanine world from mesopotamia to scotland.
    Romans used local baths. The visitors could use cold water (Frigidarium), warm water (Tepidarium), and a hot bath (Caldarium).
  • Enviroment

    Currency in the Roman empire is based off exchange of goods.
    Trade was the backbone of the Roman Empire. It supported language and legions. The Roman Empire was so successful because the military.