Prophet muhammad (saws)

  • Jun 13, 622

    The migration from Makkah to Madinah

    The migration from Makkah to Madinah
    The prophet tried to concince the poeple of Makkah to migrate to Yathrib. They gathered 70 familieas and travelled to madinah. Soon Quraish had become aware of what was happeining and tried to stop them. They thought that if the prohpet and his poeple came they would enlighten the people and start conflict. They set out to kill him and The rasoolallah and Abu Bakr. A spider has made a web on the cave enterance so that nobody would come in. Soon they left to Madinah and arrived on june 11.
  • Dec 9, 622

    constitution of medinah

    When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) migrated from Mecca to Medina, he joined a diverse community made of different tribes and faith. In terms of faith there were Muslims, Jews, and Polytheists. There were also Aws, Khazrij, Banu Quraidha, Banu An Nadheer, and Banu Qainuqaa. In order to bring them together, Prophet Muhummad (SAW) drew a constitution that highlighted the rights and responsiblities of each party. The constitution was made of about 50 clauses and insisted on a peaceful relation.
  • Dec 15, 622

    Building of the mosque in Madina

    Building of the mosque in Madina
    The first thing Muhammad (pbuh) did was to organise the building of a mosque. After he purchased the land, a clay brick structure was built and roofed and trunks of palm trees were used as pillars. Soon a simple mosque was completed with rooms on one side for Muhammad (pbuh) and his family and on the other side for those who had nowhere to live in what was called ‘Suffa’.
  • Jun 15, 623


    Most of the emigrants from Makka were poor and had no possessions. The Muslims of Madina provided them with food, sharing their wealth. They established brotherhood between them making the emigrants a brother of an Ansar (helper of madinah). It was a very hard time for them, but they established a brotherhood, which was a very bid deal.
  • Mar 13, 624

    The battle of Badr

    The battle of Badr
    The Battle of Badr took place in the blessed month of Ramadaan in the 2nd year after the Hijrah. It was the first battle with the pagans after the muslims moved to Madinah. In this battle the pagan army consisted of 950 fighters and the muslim army consisted of 314 (including the Messenger) fighters only, so they were outnumbered 3 to 1. However, the muslims won in the end. 70 pagans met their death, and the Muslims took from them 70 prisoners. There was a great victory for the muslims.
  • Mar 19, 625

    The battle of Uhud

    The battle of Uhud
    The battle took place in Shawwal the mount is located five kilometers north of Medina and three kilometers away from the Masjid-e-Nabwi.The Muslims readied for war soon afterwards and the two armies fought on the slopes and plains of Uhud. They were heavily outnumbered and were very unprotected. There was a surprise attack and many muslims died. The meccans declared victory.
  • Sep 12, 627

    Battle of the trench

    Battle of the trench
    The quraysh weren't happy that they hadn't already killed the prophet and his people in the last battle and so they wanted to attack again. They bought many tribes together including Banu Nadheer andwent with 10,000 people. The muslims only had 3,000 men. So the muslims biult a trench around madinah so that they couldn't get across and they would be safe. The muslims defeated them easily and Quraysh surrendered.
  • Dec 9, 627

    Treaty of Hudaybiyah

    Treaty of Hudaybiyah
    The Muslims and Quraysh established a peace treaty.
    "In the name of almighty Allah who is the most Rehman and Rahim. These are the conditions of Peace between Muhammad, son of Abdullah and Suhayl ibn Amr the envoy of Mecca. There will be no fighting for ten years. Anyone who wishes to join Muhammad and to enter into any agreement with him is free to do so. Anyone who wishes to join the Quraish and to enter into any agreement with them is free to do so. A young man, or one whose...."
  • Dec 11, 630

    The conquest (opening) of Mecca

    The conquest (opening) of Mecca
    The peace bact of hudayybiah allowed anyone to form an alliance with either the msulims or the quraysh. Banu Nakr entered an alliance with quraysh while Banu Khuzaa'ah made an allince with the muslims. They were very hostile and they wanted to prolong their hostilities by raiding Banu Khuzaa'ah, despite the treaty.They were surprised of the attack and took refuge in the sacred mosque. When they begged for mercy because they said no and allowed their men to proceed and take revenge.
  • The letters of the Prophet

    The letters of the Prophet
    After the treaty of Hudaybiyyah, peaceful conditions started with Prophet Mohammad (saw) with him, writing letters to eight superior, foreign emporers and rulers, calling upon them to accept Islam. The Prophet sent ambassadors in the year 628 AD (Muharram, 7 Hijrah) to send his message across the region and even further, He chose his ambassadors carefully, t he made sure they were signed so they would take them seriously. Several of them embraced islam and wanted to know more.