Hands over bible

our time

  • first email

    first email
    email, to setup a chat time
  • first real chat

    first real chat
    chat online, for many hours
  • first text

    first text
    texted well into the night
  • psalms

    decided to read a psalms a day to create a connection and keep close to God in our relationship.
  • 400 hundred texts this week

    400 hundred texts this week
    crazy!, never thought I would ever talk to someone that much. just so much in common.
  • heart to heart talks

    heart to heart talks
    We talked about our body scars, and it hurt a lot but, brought us close to God. It was very humbling for me. I cried, to God so hurt I ever did such an ugly thing to my body and now have to live with it but, drew said that maybe its good they are there to remind us of our old lives and that the Lord gave us a second chance. after midnight, realized it was sabbath so, we read psalms seven together, and shared other bible passages too, and worshiop songs. It was a great start to sabbath :)
  • 100 questions

    100 questions
    chatted online until like 5 am askin 100 hundred questions from this list. learned alot bout each other. didn't even get close to doin 100 questions. amazin how long it takes to answer such things. learned alot bout each other and had some really good laughs together :) a very very good time :), finished the questions that night. last two brought about a rough end to the day.
  • funny events in the night :)

    funny events in the night :)
    day came down round 4 am, what are you doin up? oh, I never went to bed, I said. you? couldn't sleep. dad made me cream of wheat :) josh came down at round 5 to go to work. why are you guys up this early on a sat!!!! and left lol. Mom got up to go to the bathroom round 5:30 , I said hey mom don't you want to come join the family? no! you guys are crazy!!! then I went to bed, woke up at nine, will end up crashin later, that is certain.
  • 1000 texts

    1000 texts
    reached 1000 today!!!!
  • a hard talk, painful end to the day.

    a hard talk, painful end to the day.
    found out that Drew had sex before marriage and before knowing and being dedicated to Chrsit. This was a very hard blow to me, I was exausted and in a daze. I of course know it was from his past and i forgave him of it but, it's still very hard to think if we end up together how hard it will be to jump this hurdle. I cried, prayed to God and sang how great is thy faithfulness and tried to move on but, couldn't. went to bed confused at what to do. we match on beliefs, love in life etc. and i
  • hard talk 2

    hard talk 2
    not let that go and throw away a possible perfect match just because of a mistake made in the past. I can't imagine the pain he is feeling right now. More so than me. I wish I could talk to him, hear his voice, comfort, cry, talk together. went to bed very very hurt and worrying bout Drew. He must hurt somethin awful.
  • first talk

    first talk
    I needed to talk to him to let him know it was ok. that this mornin I read that he had indeed gotten checked and was clean and did not have anything bad. I thank God for protectin him. And it really brought peace to me. But, I needed to hear that he was ok and to let him know that it's ok. we talked for an hour and 13 minutes and i felt comfortable not nervous at all. This is one of the hardest things but, I think it was better to get it over with now.
  • first meeting pt. 3

    the plastic part when it shorted out. So, we did but the auto parts store didn't have it so after cracker barrel we would run to the mazda dealer. we got to cracker barrel before nine and drew got lost. so for a half hour we waited there. and uncle Jim had invited uncle darrel and aunt Dixie along. They played the game of pointing out every man that was walking up to cracker barrel lol. And I ended up drinking three cups of coffee while waiting nervously. From the game they found out drew was
  • first meeting pt. 4

    not tall, buff, bald, have a kid, was not black, did not have a beard etc. It really was a funny game. They asked how long I had know him and I had to think on what psalm we were on that day and then told them what day. They thought it was a good start we read a psalm each day. Why not. Everything including relationships should be done for the glory of God. Finally, he said he was here. I got up and just as a reached the door there he was. When I was worried I would not reconize him, I did
  • first meeting pt. 6.

    drew, uncle Jim. left side of table starting with uncle darrel across from me, then aunt dixie, and ending with aunt rose. we finally ordered. I was so full fron coffee I was not all that hungry. ate my eggs
  • first meeting pt. 1

    I was completely exausted from fighting my cold and could not sleep the night before. My brain would not be quiet, though my body was screaming for sleep. Finally, at 5 just went out in the lounge chair to sit in front of the fire. Dozed into a light sleep but that was all. Woke up to aunt rose letting the dog out. I felt so yucky. Poor uncle Jim had trouble too. He actually had a bad cold and was sick. He didnt sleep well and coughed a lot. I never drink coffee and this mornin when uncle Jim
  • first meeting pt. 2

    had his decaf coffee ready he asked if i wanted some so i filled up my cup, put milk and sugar in and drank away. Never had coffee more than 25 percent coffee and 75 percent milk before. This right here showed me later how nervous i really was, though i did not admit it until that night when I got back. So, I dressed in my gray skirt and blue sweater, gray wool tights and black wool coat and off we went. Uncle Jim had decided we stop and look about getting a new part for my head light that burnt
  • first meeting pt. 5

    instantly. He was wearing an army green and style cap, gray zip up sweat shirt, a gray/blue short sleeve button up shirt, jeans and new cowboy boots. I didn't know what to say and I said more but, all i remember saying was I'll introduce you to everybody. so, I lead him back to the table. tried to introduce him but everybody introduced themselves rather excitedly. uncle Jim joked that maybe he should sit inbetween us and then let drew sit next to me. on the right side of the table it was me,